"I will make a covenant of peace (shalom) with them and eliminate harmful beasts from the land so that they may live securely in the wilderness and sleep in the woods." Ezekiel 34:25
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
The Ethanol Boondoggle by Mark Alexander
If you are confused about the benefits of ethanol this is an excellent article written by Mark Alexander of The Patriot Post. I have posted part of the article with a link to continue reading.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Our President Is An Embarrassment!
He is also very deceived or uneducatied! What an outrage that our president would say this!! It is a major slap in the face to our founding fathers and all those who gave their lives for the freedom that allowed him to become president in the first place.
You can read the article at the link below:
Monday, July 28, 2014
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Everyone Who Seeks Finds by Francis Frangipane
I love Francis Frangipane's messages. I find them inspiring, challenging, wise and practical. This one is no exception. In fact, I think it is one of his more important ones because Western Christianity has become complacent in seeking God and has instead determined to 'let the pastor do it.' It is time we returned to the Biblical mandate to seek God with our whole heart, mind and strength.
Everyone Who Seeks Finds It is not hard to recognize one who has spent extended time at a newsstand: his conversation overflows with the drama of current affairs. And it is not hard to discern a person who has come from a sporting event, as their face reveals the outcome of the game. Likewise, people can tell when an individual has spent extended time seeking God. An imperturbable calm guards their heart, and their countenance is radiant with light, as with the morning dew of Heaven. Beloved, to seek and find God is everything. The Eternal Imprint It is to our shame that, in our era, church services do not focus more on actually seeking God. Yes, we do honor God and thank Him for what He has done. We sing and hear a sermon and, perhaps, enjoy a time of fellowship with others. Yet only rarely do we depart a congregational meeting with the fire of eternity reflecting off our faces. Instead, we fill up with information about God without actually drawing near to Him. Most of us are still largely unaware of God's presence. While we rightly need church programs, fellowship, and times for ministry training, we must not automatically assume that religious indoctrination is the same thing as actually seeking God. And while I am often blessed listening to contemporary Christian music, even godly entertainment is no substitute for my own worship encounter with God. Therefore, let us ask ourselves: Is there a place and a time set apart in our spiritual lives where we can give ourselves to seeking God? What if the Spirit of God actually desired to manifest Himself during our worship service? Would the Lord have to wait until we finished our scheduled program? I respect and recognize the need for order; we need the scheduled times for announcements and the defined purposes that currently occupy Sunday mornings, but have we made room for God Himself? "He Knew Not That His Face Shone" When we first determine to draw near to God, it may seem we have little to show for our efforts. Yet be assured: even the thought of seeking God is a step toward our transformation. Still, we often do not notice the first signs of our spiritual renewal, for as we grow increasingly more aware of God, we simultaneously grow increasingly less aware of ourselves. Though we may not see that we are changing, others certainly will. Consider the experience of Moses. The Lord's servant had ascended Mount Sinai, and there stood before the living God. The eyes of Moses were actually filled with God's sun-like glory; his ears actually heard the audible sound of the Lord's voice. Yet when Moses returned to the people, the Bible says he "did not know that the skin of his face shone" (Exod. 34:29). When the Israelites saw the fire of God's glory on the face of Moses, "they were afraid to come near him" (v. 30). They saw he had been with God. The church needs more people who have, like Moses, climbed closer to the Almighty, people who have stood in the sacred fire of God's presence. Instead, we exhaust ourselves arguing over peripheral doctrines or styles of music in our song services. Perhaps there are benefits to constantly debating the nuances of our doctrines, but are we not more truly thirsting for the reality of God? The Enemy's Resistance What happens when we seek God? The Bible says at the very moment we are drawing near to Him, the living presence of God Himself is drawing near to us (James 4:8). Help is coming, redemption for our situation is on its way, strength will soon be arriving, and the powers of healing are activated. But, one may argue, what if we seek Him and He does not come near. Fear not, He will. He may not manifest as we supposed, but He will come. However, let us also acknowledge there may be a spiritual battle. We must be persistent. Recall the experience of the prophet Daniel (Dan. 10:2-13). For three weeks he sought the Lord with fasting and mourning. Then, suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared to him, assuring him that "from the first day that you set your heart … on humbling yourself before your God, your words were heard" (v. 12). What took so long? The "prince of the kingdom of Persia," a demonic spiritual ruler, stood against the angel sent to Daniel (v. 13). There was spiritual warfare. So strengthen your heart for the likelihood of battle. There may be delays and resistance. Remember, it is those who overcome who inherit the promises of God. Human Frailty Beyond the obstacles caused by spiritual warfare, we also have inherent weaknesses that can hinder our quest for God. For example, you begin to seek God, but instead of making progress, you find yourself distracted, thinking of things you need to do. To silence a persistent memory, simply write down the things it tells you. Once they are written down, your memory will quiet and your heart will return to seeking God. Another hindrance to drawing closer to God may be the emotional burdens we carry. Just as we have cleared our memory issues, so we should take time to cast our burdens upon the Lord (1 Pet. 5:6-7). Ironically, our cares and worries may have helped motivate us heavenward, yet they can also dominate our consciousness and, together with other issues, even "choke the word" (Matt. 13:22), leaving us unfruitful in our pursuit of God. So, as you seek the Lord, as issues and personal concerns arise, place your burdens upon the Lord's shoulders. If your concern is for a loved one, commit that person into the Lord's keeping; if you are struggling with sin, ask God for forgiveness. If it is unresolved conflict with another person, forgive them as much as you presently can and move closer to God. If you are troubled by the lack of depth in your forgiveness toward others, remember: the grace to fully release people who have wounded us does not abide with us but in Christ. The closer we draw to Him, the greater power we possess over sin and our reactions to life. Our goal is to, day by day, draw nearer to God. He has commanded that we come boldly to His throne of grace. To receive the help we need, we must arrive at His throne. Remember also that our confidence comes from Christ Himself. He promised, "Everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened" (Matt. 7:8). We are seeking a lifetime of increasing devotion, though it may certainly begin in a season of drawing near. In spite of natural and spiritual obstacles, as we persevere, the Lord assures us, "How much more will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!" (Matt. 7:11). If we do not cease seeking and knocking, we will discover unfolding degrees of intimacy with God. Even now, He's drawing near. The Lord promises, "Everyone who … seeks finds" (Matt. 7:8). Master, to possess more of You is the heart-focus of my existence. Draw near, blessed Redeemer, and fulfill Your desire for me by fulfilling my desire for You.
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The preceding excerpts are taken from Pastor Frangipane's book And I Will Be Found by You. A few months ago a new version was published by Passio, a division of Charisma Media. To make way for this new edition, we are offering the original version for just $5.67 (a 58% discount). Limited quantities so act soon, especially if you want bulk quantities.
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Quote from an article by Kent Simpson
This is an excerpt from an article entitled "What Is Your Rank In God's Army?" by Kent Simpson. I believe it is the truth.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Benjamin Franklin Quote on Today's Patriot Post
Holy Ghost Release Vision
Darren has an inspired vision of how to get as many people as possible to see this movie. Watch the trailer to hear his vision.
I've met some of the people who share their incredibly amazing experiences in this film! I can't wait to see the movie so I bought my ticket for the early online premiere on August 9. The tickets are only $5!
Would you help him get the word out?
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Truth Revolt: The Case for Israel
This explanation from The Truth Revolt helps me understand the hatred the Arabs have for the Jews.
Even before the recent Israeli ground and air operations in Gaza, the BDS movement – that would stand for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions – was gaining traction… not just in France, or Germany, or Oman: right here in America.
BDS is being sold – as everything evil and stupid is being sold these days – as a moral good. The argument goes like this: Israel, a nation formed in response to the cold, concrete reality of extermination, has let its economic and military power go to its head. They, now, are the oppressors; they now are Goliath in a main battle tank facing a brave Palestinian David with a rock in his hand; they now are the racists. They now – Israel – are the Nazis.
Are they?
Here is Israel at the time of its formation by the United Nations in 1948. Actually, you can’t see it on this map because it’s so small – smaller than the state of New Jersey.
On that same year, the Arab nations surrounding the new country attacked what was then mostly small farming communities and tried to drive the Jews into the sea.
But The Israelis won.
The Arabs tried it again in 1967. The Jews beat them again. Then, in 1973, the Arabs tried again, launching a sneak attack on the holiest Jewish holiday – and the Jews won again.
Israel’s territorial gains did not come from Israel attacking the Arabs. They came from Israel being attacked by the Arabs.
And Israel has always tried to give the land back in exchange for peace, as it did when it voluntarily returned the Sinai Peninsula – which is bigger than Israel itself – back to the Egyptians who had tried to attack them from the Sinai, and likewise, they gave the Gaza Strip back to the Palestinians who had attacked them – from the Gaza strip.
Since then, thousands – thousands! -- of rockets and mortars have been fired into Israel from schoolyards and orphanages and hospitals in -- Gaza.
How many rockets and mortars would you allow to fall on your house by neighbors that have been swearing to kill you for 65 years? How many times will someone keep hitting you before you hit back?
The Palestinians daily call for the Jews to be driven into the sea. The Jews have one of the most sophisticated militaries in the world. They could drive the Palestinians into the sea any time they wanted to. They don’t.
The instant that Hamas or Hezbollah get their hands on a nuclear weapon, they will do with it what they do every day with their rocks and mortars and missiles. They will use it. On Israel. The Israelis have an estimated 500 nuclear weapons and could destroy the Arabs any time they chose. They don’t.
Those are not Nazis. Those are moral, civilized people.
Israel is an island of civilization in a sea of barbarity, and that is why it is being targeted. Uncomfortable with those words, “civilization” and “barbarity?” Well, in Israel women can do whatever they please – including leading the state of Israel. In the surrounding Arab nations women are treated as chattel. They’re just property: useful for creating sons and carrying things.
In Israel, homosexuals are tolerated and celebrated as individuals – why, just as if they were real people! In the surrounding Muslim nations they are hung from construction cranes in public squares. In Israel, scientists at the University of Haifa are studying In-homogeneous tachyon dynamics. The latest scientific invention in the Arab world is a buzzer that goes off when a Muslim falls asleep against his prayer rug.
Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions was used, in the main successfully, against racist South Africa. Racist South Africa used brutal force to suppress people along racial lines.
Israel, on the other hand, is the only nation in the entire Middle East where Arabs have a free and fair vote. Israel allows Israelis of any ethnicity to be elected to the Knesset, the Israeli Parliament – including Arabs. So: If you’re in favor of equal rights for women, legal protections for homosexuals, advances in science, the arts and medicine, and political access and personal rights guaranteed by law -- you definitely should support Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions – for every nation in the region EXCEPT Israel.
Finally, I’ll just say this – because this is really what drives this whole thing. It is absolutely true that criticizing the actions of the State of Israel is not in itself anti-Semitism. Israel is as subject to criticism and condemnation as any other nation on earth.
But you cannot understand Israel’s actions without understanding the pervasive, unrelenting, hate that surrounds that outpost of civilization. From Hezbollah rockets made in Iran, to BDS sanctions made in Berkeley and Santa Monica, the attacks on this country and its people cannot be understood without getting to the bedrock essence of the nasty, petty, small and mean-spirited emotion that drives anti-Semitism.
And that emotion is Envy.
Genesis, Chapter 26, verses 12 through 16:
And Isaac sowed in that land and reaped in the same year a hundredfold. The LORD blessed him, and the man became rich, and gained more and more until he became very wealthy. He had possessions of flocks and herds and many servants, so that the Philistines envied him. (Now the Philistines had stopped and filled with earth all the wells that his father’s servants had dug in the days of Abraham his father.) And Aby melech said to Isaac, “Go away from us, for you are much mightier than we.”
That was thousands of years before there was a religion called Islam. And when the Israelis, as a gesture of peace and goodwill, turned over the Gaza Strip in 2005 the first thing these modern-day philistines did was smash the windows of the greenhouses that had been handed to them by other people’s labor. Once again, they filled wells in the desert with sand.
Prior to the establishment of the state of Israel, by far the safest home the Jews have ever known was here in America. No doubt there was anti-Semitism here, but with a few exceptions it was golf-course anti-Semitism: disgraceful, but a long, long way from the pogroms and the death camps. Why was America such a safe home for the Jews? Well, because up until very recently --- 2008 let’s say – envy was not admired here in America. “Coveting” wasn’t sold here as a virtue, either.
So, to the American Jews who voted in huge numbers for the man who was personal friends of Palestinian terrorist – Rhashid Khalidi – to babysit his children – to the American Jews that watched and supported Occupy Wall Street as it smashed crystal windows and denounced Jewish bankers; to the American Jews who continue to vote for an ever more powerful state when no one in the world has more to fear from powerful states like the National Socialist German Workers Party or the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; to those American Jews who watched through the 1930’s and 40s and ask, “how could they have let that happen?” I would simply say, “How can you let this happen? Why do so many of you vote for this to happen – pay for it to happen?”
Tea Party Conservatives, like me – genuine friends of Israel and the Jewish people – look at you and think “It’s obvious you’ve lost your minds. Have you lost your souls as well?”
Habits of the Wealthiest People
Interesting! The chart below is taken from an article on this site.
This link will take you to the article :http://www.lewrockwell.com/2014/07/no_author/habits-of-the-wealthy/

This link will take you to the article :http://www.lewrockwell.com/2014/07/no_author/habits-of-the-wealthy/

Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Ascending in Your Heart and Life by John Belt
This encouraging word from John Belt was posted on The Elijah List recently.
2 Samuel 22:34 He makes my feet like the feet of deer, and sets me on my high places.
Settling for less is compromising God's fullness and best. In the journey of our lives we are tempted to relinquish that what God promises to us. The Lord actually brings us to these points to see how we will respond. Will we respond without compromise in our faith moving forward, or will we abandon ship? We know He enjoys those who draw near to Him with hearts believing. (Photo via Pixabay)
In this journey God is really wanting to get our hearts, our dedication, and awareness of purpose. He does not want us to try to be someone else. He does not want us being cast to and fro by the winds of varied teachings and doctrines. There is so much replicated spirituality today that many have lost their identity. There is only one you. You have your own DNA. Nobody else can be you. God really wants you! He does have a plan for you, a course for you to run.(Photo via Pixabay)
Christ in you is the hope of glory (see Colossians 1:27). As your eyes are opened to this reality, a sound of intimacy is awakened in your spirit. This takes you ascending up the mountain to the summit of God's glory and presence in your heart. Not only that, this reality translates into your natural life in His overwhelming favor and blessing. (Photo via Pixabay)
John Belt:

A Priceless Vantage Point
Reaching the heights of the summit gives us the awesome privilege of looking down below with a priceless vantage point, beholding things previously hidden from our view. How great it is to have the invitation and allowance to ascend up to the summit of the mountain of God. God loves to take us on adventures. I remember reading the book "Hinds' Feet on High Places" the longest time ago. In a nutshell, it is about the journey we take ascending to the top of the mountain.
Isaiah 40:9 O Zion, you who bring good tidings, get up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, you who bring good tidings, lift up your voice with strength...
On our journey we have all kinds of encounters and tests. When we understand our challenges are all part of the process, we can learn much quicker and participate with the procedure instead of being discouraged by it.
Going For Gold!

Hebrews 10:39 But we are not of those who draw back to perdition, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul.
Jesus told us that it really does not take much to move a mountain, only a mustard seed of faith (see Matthew 17:20). God will send tests our way. He will intentionally allow our faith to be tested. This is normal for a life that follows after God. When we pass the test, He is immensely pleased. Stand, believe, contend, and rest in His promises.
Find The Course, Keep The Course
A life with holy habits yielded to the Spirit will produce wondrous fruit to God. With the temptation to back away is the corresponding glitch of getting off course. Keeping your focus is an art in itself. We have to make a deliberate and conscious effort to stay on the path that God has laid before us. That is why it does take a life that is disciplined and yielded to assure that we lay hold of all God has destined for our lives personally.
We see exemplified in the verses below the distinct awareness of God's purpose and plan in lives. Hear the heart of faithfulness, devotion, and knowing in these Scriptures.
John 4:34 Jesus said to them, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work."
John 17:6-7 I have manifested Your name to the men whom You have given Me out of the world. They were Yours, You gave them to Me, and they have kept Your word. Now they have known that all things which You have given Me are from You.
Acts 13:25 And as John was finishing his course, he said, "Who do you think I am? I am not He. But behold, there comes One after me, the sandals of whose feet I am not worthy to loose."
Acts 20:24 But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.
1 Corinthians 9:24 Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it.
Hebrews 12:1-3 ...let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith...
Philippians 3:13-14 Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
The Secret Code Is Your DNA

Psalm 139:13-18 For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them. How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand…
The "secret code" of access to the summit is discovering and enjoying the person that He has made you to be. You are an original. God does not want you to be a carbon-copy of someone else. This is not a difficult test, the secret of who you are in Him. But it is a test that only you can take; no one else can take it for you. Discovering and valuing how God made you to be in your own personality is big. Your identity is found in Christ alone, not titles, positions, or what you have (see Philippians 3:8).
How He expresses Himself in you and through you is original and eternally valuable. Many people don't believe they have identity issues. Yet when superficial things that added value to their lives are taken away they are left lost. Your identity is found in His presence. In that place He reveals the course you are destined to run.
Access Granted

All that is requisite now is to ascend because He has been awakened within your life. The spirit of worship comes without labor because of your revelation of divine grace, love, and intimate connection with Him. He has removed all confinement, welcoming us to the coveted place before Him. Stay the course and remove all diversion that would keep you from the summit of His presence.
His overflow for your life,
John and Brandi Belt
Overflow Global Ministries
Overflow Global Ministries
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Why Do You Think This Is?
Acuity 400' Flagpole Project - Awesome! ♥ God Bless America!
A friend sent a link to this. I had not heard of it, but it is impressive. Thank you Acuity for investing so much money to build a monument to America and those who fought for our freedom.
Monday, July 21, 2014
Many Are On A Strange Road To A Blessing by Al Thomas
I think this word by Al Thomas that was posted on the Elijah List was given specifically for me this morning. I'm posting it because I'm sure others will feel the same way.
A Blessing In Disguise
Fear not, God is preparing something: a blessing for you. Yes, the road looks unfamiliar, but you are not on the wrong path. Psalm 37:23declares "The steps of a man are established by the Lord..."
Actually, the opposite is true (see Psalm 138:8). God is taking you on a different road.The promise will not only come to pass but will be fulfilled on a grander scale.You allow God to do it His way (see Psalm 18:30). Oh yes, you meant well and your heart was in the right place; but God wanted to show you "a better way." And, because you didn't take your road (and avoid His detour), God can now speak with you about His plans, not yours (see Jeremiah 29:11). Now you realize that you should have taken His detour long ago. You start to thank Him for the "strange road." Deeper communion with the King results (see Luke 24:15). You smile knowing He's in charge, and His peace arrives. (Photo via Freeimages)
God's highway appears before you (see Isaiah 35:8). You need to start thanking Him for the interruption. Rejoice for the road block God has placed in front of you. Do not run from it. Many will be blessed because you said, "God, I don't recognize this path. I have never been here before, but because You say so, I will follow Your detour for me."
Al Thomas:

Have you ever had an important appointment and then came upon an unexpected road block?
Suddenly you find yourself on an unknown road and lost? The traffic is heavy and you are barely moving. You know if you don't get off this road you will be late. Then you fall into an agitated state and get stressed out. This is when the Holy Spirit says, "Child, be at peace." And so it is in the spirit: Some think they are in an unknown place (stuck in spiritual traffic), but God is actually preparing them for a blessing. The Holy Spirit is saying:
"The unexpected road block is a blessing in disguise."
Often, when everything seems to be going well for you, then problems come; but, actually, God is up to something good. Sometimes battles are easily won, and temptations (although constant) don't usually trip you up (see 1 Corinthians 10:13). Other times it seems like life is falling apart and everything breaks loose. Those things that you used to handle with ease now overwhelm you. You wonder, Where did my strength go?(see Psalm 6:2).
So there you are, called by God, following His plans the best you know how, when things start to go downhill. Your spirit was soaring with enthusiasm, but now victory seems illusive.

You didn't ask for this, but now you must fight a small battle (see Ephesians 6:11-12). You must keep moving forward.
Tremendous rewards await you if you do not quit (see Philippians 1:6). You decide to keep moving (see Philippians 4:13) and not quit. The formally congested road is about to clear up (see Romans 8:28). The fog will soon lift, because God is preparing an unexpected blessing for you. God is saying to you, "Behold, I will bless, and nothing can reverse it..." (see Number 23:20). (Photo via Pixabay)
Don't Think Because You Are Not Moving God Is Not On the Move
Sometimes, if God would have allowed you to keep on the same old path you were on (see Proverbs 14:12) you would have missed the opportunity (and blessing). Often, God forcefully detours us so we will head into the blessings He has for us (see John 4:38). Often more is accomplished in the spiritual realm when He makes us wait (see Isaiah 40:31) and wonder.
Wait doesn't mean inactivity. It means "resting in Him." Don't panic because nothing seems to be happening. He has pushed the "divine pause button" to bring you to rest in Him. (Something He has been trying to get you to do for some time now.) Yes, you are moving, only this time He is carrying you. Yes, progress is being made; but this time He is directing it. You prayed for this long ago, so don't fight it. You can now relax...as He takes over.
Realizing this, your faith allows His joy to manifest. Expectation replaces stress.
Because of the Road Block, Don't Think His Promises Are Postponed

You're In Good Company And About To Make History
God's in the business of "divine road blocks." He gave Paul a heavenly detour (see Acts 9) and changed history, turning the world upside down (see Acts 17:6). Jesus gave a few fisherman a divine detour and it also turned their life (and the world) upside down (see Matthew 4:18-19). God sent the angel Gabriel to Mary for the grandest detour of all, and because she accepted it (see Luke 1:30-31), you and millions of others are now in the Kingdom of God. They and many others could have taken the "normal, beaten path," but they would not have changed history.

Remember, no one said you have to always understand this divine road block. That will come later. As for now, take a deep breath, slow down and enjoy the view. Don't worry. Be anxious for nothing (see Philippians 4:6). Simply keep your eyes on Jesus and He'll let you know which exit to get off (see 1 Samuel 3:10). Road block? Detour? I think not. You're on the road to blessings. (Photo via Pixabay)
CONSIDER THIS: God has never had a day when He said: "Gee, I didn't see that coming…"
The Reason for the Israeli Attack on Gaza
I believe Israel unfairly receives bad press so I am posting a portion of an article and a link to the rest of it from the Israeli point of view for all who are interested in hearing the other side. It is from Israel Today/Israel News. Why people are so quick to defend the Arab countries when it is apparent they are the aggressors is beyond me. And then Israel is criticized for defending herself!
Why Israel Attacked a Densely-Populated Gaza Neighborhood
Monday, July 21, 2014 | Ryan Jones
- More than two weeks into the current Gaza war, Israel on Sunday suffered its first bout of serious international condemnation after a day of bloody fighting that left dead 13 Israeli soldiers and at least 70 Palestinians.
If Palestinian estimates are to be believed, the bulk of their dead were civilians, residents of the battered Gaza City suburb of Shejaiya.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon labeled the Israeli operation “an atrocious action,” and US Secretary of State John Kerry sarcastically quipped, “It’s a hell of a pinpoint operation.”
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, meanwhile, explained that the assault on Shejaiya was absolutely necessary, given that the neighborhood had been used to launch some 150 missile attacks on the Jewish state over the past week, and that it continued to house a sizable arsenal of projectiles.
Situated less than a mile from Gaza’s border with southern Israel, Shejaiya was described by Israeli troops operating there as a vast Hamas stronghold, with a huge network of terror tunnels used to store missiles and infiltrate southern Israel.
Netanyahu said this was a strategic threat that simply had to be dealt with. Addressing a press conference in which he confirmed the deaths of 13 Israeli soldiers during the fighting in Shejaiya, the prime minister stated:
“Last night ’s action revealed more tunnels, in addition to others that we already uncovered, some of which reached Israel. We found handcuffs, sedating drugs. There is no question this is a strategic component for Hamas. …If these tunnels were not found, then the results would have been a lot worse.”
As for the high number of Palestinian deaths, Netanyahu stressed that Israel had very clearly warned the residents of Shejaiya to evacuate days before the assault.
Continue reading here.
Saturday, July 19, 2014
5 Acre Daylily Farm
Mom & I took a little road trip to Tolona, IL today--about 50 miles away--to the 5 Acre Daylily Farm. It was beautiful! Most of the lilies were in full bloom. How amazing to see so many different shapes, colors and sizes! It was difficult to choose, but I decided to buy 7 of the over 800 cultivars. I will be going back in a few days to pick them up since the owners needed time to dig them. At that time I may be tempted to add to my purchases.
While I was there I asked if they would be interested in donating daylilies to the new Linn Park Amphitheater/Botanical Garden. They said they would be delighted to help us out and would also be willing to do an educational program for us. How generous!
Of course, I'm including pictures, but since they were all so beautiful I couldn't decide which ones to you would like to see so I'm adding lots. :o) Enjoy!
While I was there I asked if they would be interested in donating daylilies to the new Linn Park Amphitheater/Botanical Garden. They said they would be delighted to help us out and would also be willing to do an educational program for us. How generous!
Of course, I'm including pictures, but since they were all so beautiful I couldn't decide which ones to you would like to see so I'm adding lots. :o) Enjoy!
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I first saw this one on their website and thought I would purchase it for sure, but then I got distracted by all the beauty and purchased others instead. I still may have to add it to my list. |
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This cultivar and the one below were hybridized by 5 Acre Farm and are going to be introduced in 2015 & 2016 |
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This one I believe was called Sparkling Champagne. It is one of the cultivars I purchased. I LOVE it! |
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