Obamacare Horror Story: First Person Account
Obamacare was created in darkness and forced upon us with the idea being that Obama and Congress knows what is best for us despite the public outrage.
Obama lied to We the People through the entire process of creating obamacare. In the aftermath of it being railroaded through, Jonathan Gruber, the chief architect/consultant in the creation of same boasted condescendingly that the entire process had been a lie and Obama knew it.
Gruber said: “Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass.” He openly admitted: “This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes,” he said during a panel discussion at the Annual Health Economists’ Conference last year. “If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. OK, so it’s written to do that. In terms of risk rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in — you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money — it would not have passed.”
Following is an unedited letter presented just as I received it from a subscriber April 21. I have been asked to share the person’s personal experience complete with her name in hopes it would show the depth of Obama’s pernicious lies.
Mr Massie, My name is Melissa Ackison. I’m a small business owner from Ohio, wife and mother to two boys, one of which is leaving for the US ARMY, and we have another a child on the way. I posted this message about our experience with being forced by our government to enroll in obama care. It was shared over 200 times within hours. Please help get our message out. PLEASE let voters know what happens when government takes over by means of fines and force. YOU have the platform. I’m a REAL person living the OBAMAcare nightmare. Please tell people about us. God Bless YOU ” You guys know me-please listen to what I have to say. Think about this when you vote….I speak firsthand because my family and I were forcibly enrolled into Obama care. As business owners, we always paid out-of-pocket to have our medical insurance. I used to spend $800 a month for our medical care before being forced by the government to enroll into Obama care programs. Prior to now, my family had excellent coverage. My deductible was $3000 and all of the doctors that specialized in my rare Craniofacial bone disease i’ve been treated for since I was 14 were on my old plan as well. At the end of 2015 we received a letter from the government telling us that our plan that provided wonderful coverage, was not an Obama care approved plan. We were told we had to enroll in new medical insurance or face a $3500 fine. We were guaranteed based on my special-needs as well as some issues my son seeks medical treatment for that we would keep all of our doctors. None of those things happened. I went from paying $800 a month to over $1000 a month for insurance, my deductible is $12,000, I’m high-risk pregnancy and I can’t get any Doctor Who wants to work with any Obama care plans, my coverage is extremely limited and my co-pays are unbelievably high. The Obama care websites and databases had my husband and I spending a total of 14 hours in one week trying to correct wrong benefits, they had Royce our 6 year old registered as an undocumented citizen and canceled his insurance claiming he was not a citizen of the United States, three separate times we had to overnight packets to prove our citizenship as natural born US citizen’s in an attempt to get Royces benefits turned back on, the government workers at the Obama care agency continuously lost our proof of citizenship that we paid to overnight, Royce was unable to see any doctor or be treated for his weekly occupational therapy he receives because it looked as though we had no insurance even though we were paying 1000 a month. The Obama care government workers screwed up for so long that we lost our place in line that we waited six months to get on,at Children’s Hospital for his occupational therapy. We received a letter from the government letting us know that the two packets of our sensitive personal information had been misplaced and our Social Security numbers and identification could be compromised because of that mistake. Hours and hours we spent on the phone with the government trying to figure out what to do with no help. Many Times we spent on the phone waiting for hours, only to be cut off or hung up on because they didn’t know how to transfer A telephone call. Literally, we had a supervisor tell us the reason we get hung up on after waiting for hours is because their departments had not been trained thoroughly in how to transfer interdepartmental calls… Many of you are under the impression that Obamacare helps support people- but it doesn’t. Obama care programs will certainly help those who come over to this country such as refugees who are enrolled into medical care programs for free and on those on welfare, but it’s completely crippled my family and families like ours financially, emotionally and physically from lack of insurance coverage. Obama care is a forcible socialist medical plan. Ive worked my entire life for everything that I own and it’s completely crushed our family financially from medical bills that go unpaid as well as monthly premiums and high deductibles. Please think about families like mine before you automatically vote Democrat. If it happened to a family like mine and other families like mine, it will happen to you if this forcible medical plan stays in place. When people ask me why I vote Republican or why I would even consider Donald Trump, my livelihood depends on these programs being overturned and a Democratic candidate has no interest in helping someone like me. My husband and I are entrepreneurs and job creators, and we’ve worked unbelievably hard for everything we have. We aren’t rich and we pay upwards of $30-$50,000 a year in taxes ( on a payment plan no less) to the government on top of our now financially crippling medical expenses through Obamacare. We weren’t unable to afford a college education so we worked hard our entire lives to receive tuition reimbursement through our employers and ultimately took the step and sacrificed everything we have using our retirement plans, to open the companies we own today. There were no handouts, there was no help from the government, it was just us believing the American dream was attainable through hard work. I’ve never felt so crushed as an American as I do now. With our older son getting ready to head off to the Army in August, I shake my head wondering what type of country he will be fighting to protect. I never thought I’d see this day.
You can absolutely use my name. I think a real person offers so much validity when it comes to people understanding that there are real people out there facing these issues! I’ve worked my entire life to obtain everything I have and I’m now reaching a point of selling things and looking at assets to figure out how to pay for medical care. I owned my first business at 29 years old. My husband is the same as I am. We were raised in middle-class families and were taught that working hard was the only way to achieve the American dream. I’ve done all the right things. I’ve never taken government loans for my business or otherwise and always worked paying class by class for the Community colleges I was able to attend in my 20s. I owned my first home at 19 years old. I never thought we would be in a day and time where working hard would literally be a deterrent to survival. If using my name and people looking us up to see that we are real people who own real businesses and employee real people helps resonate or change minds, I’m completely open to it. Thank you for reading my post and may God bless you and keep you.
That Obama preened and knowingly lied to We the People complicit with Congress should warrant indictment and impeachment. Instead he comports himself with utter disregard and contempt for America. Yet, a Congress in which we have secured majorities for Republicans in both Houses has tacitly refused to repeal or impeach Obama. However, they have worked to fully fund obamacare and to ensure it is entrenched.