Mark Virkler's ministry - Communion With God Ministries- is offering another free video event,
Empowered by the Spirit, beginning today. You can watch the first video immediately or anytime today by clicking on the link, but if you sign up to receive a reminder of each day's video posting, you will also receive a PDF file of a most helpful "Miracles of Healing - A Seven Step Model" which condenses much of the material on the videos. I highly recommend it.
Have you been curious about the gift of speaking in tongues? What is it? Is it really for every Christian? Mark does an excellent job in this first video of explaining how he came into believing and receiving the gift of speaking in tongues.
Here is the invitation from Mark with a link at the end to begin watching.
 Dr. Mark Virkler
President of CLU and CWG Ministries
A Personal Message from Mark Virkler – Free Online Video Event
The next move of God is going to provide healing on the streets, just like Jesus did 2000 years ago. He took the power of God outside the buildings and released it to hurting people where they were. This produced a great revival. I have no doubt we are headed for the same thing to happen once again.
Everyone is hurting. Everyone is sick. Everyone wants and needs a compassionate touch from their Creator. We are the ones who can offer it. We are the Church, the body of Christ, God alive in the midst of His creation!
No one is looking for a dusty theology about a God who did great things a long time ago. Everyone wants a living encounter with this God. As Bill Johnson says, "The Church owes the world an encounter with God." Amen! That's what I want. I want a living encounter with almighty God, all the time, everywhere I go, everywhere I am. That is what Emmanuel, God with us, is offering.
Last month at our Christian Leadership University Graduation Celebration four people received the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the gift of speaking in tongues, all graduates received prophetic words from a prophetic presbytery, and during the healing service at the close, a good number of the 100 in attendance received physical healing. Praise God, that is church! That is what I want to experience when I attend church! That is what the world wants and needs to see! That is what you and I can offer.
Demonstrate the power of God: This month's special is our training module, Empowered by the Spirit. We will teach you how to pray for the sick and how to pray for someone to receive the gift of speaking in tongues. You will discover the simple steps to having HEART faith, which produces miracles and casts mountains into the sea! Next to salvation and hearing God's voice, this is the most important message of my life. |
Invite your friends to watch this free streaming event, beginning today |
Watch it now FREE during our Worldwide Video Event!