Our daughter and grandsons have been here from Nebraska this week, so our daughter-in-law suggested we take a pottery class with the kids. John Graves has been doing pottery for nearly 40 years and now offers classes in his shop at his home near Greenup. We arrived there at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday and spent a relaxing and educational afternoon making pots, bowls and anything else we wanted to try. It was fun! We got to choose the color of the glaze to be used. John will then fire them, apply the glaze and fire them again in one of his kilns. He said they should be ready to pick up in a couple of weeks.
Here are the results of 3 hours playing with clay:

Not only did we have fun, but we're going to have some usable bowls besides! If I remember, I will post a photo of some of the finished products.