"2017 is a Year to See, Seed, and Prophesy into the Next 100 Years"
Writing a book is like having a baby and, well, I'm "expecting" again and plan to deliver my second book this coming Fall. For that reason, I recently went on a personal writer's retreat following a conference in Raleigh, North Carolina. The first night of my retreat caught me off guard when I had a powerful vision of Jesus. It was one of those unexpected, "came out of nowhere type" visions. I saw Jesus face down on the floor in full throttle intercession to our heavenly Father for us. I couldn't understand what He was praying, but the moment and the atmosphere were astonishingly sweet. It made Hebrews 7:25 come alive, "...He ever lives to make intercession for us." Only what was He praying for?
The next day, as I was writing, writing, writing, I found my focus somewhat distracted by the thoughts and visions of my head. Although some of this had been forming for a few weeks, it was on this day that I felt the anointing on it. Here it is:
2017 is a year to see, seed, and prophesy into the next 100 years.
A Promise Fulfilled
I've waited in anticipation for 2017 for over a decade. It began when a prophet said to me in 2007 that I would become a household name within 10 years. WOW. What a word! Although I'm not yet a household name, a seer did see something afar off—namely that I would come forward and be speaking to many of you today. It also focused my eyes on the year 2017 as being a year that's the end of a thing and the beginning of a great thing.
Not long after this prophetic word in 2007, I discovered
that my church, Harvest Christian Center in Turlock CA, had been incorporated in 1917 having emerged following an evangelistic visit in Turlock by Aimee Semple McPherson. We will celebrate our 100-year anniversary this 2017, the finishing and completion of a successful century in God, but also a time to see, seed, and prophesy into the next century. (Photo via Unsplash)

God often speaks through divine coincidences, confirming His word through two or three witnesses (Matt. 18:16). When something seems to be playing on repeat, it is usually the Holy Spirit making a point. And so here it is again—2017 being a year to end something and a year to begin something.
In addition, I already have the strangest relationship with the number 17. This number somewhat morphs and shifts in meaning depending on the season, but it's always appearing and speaking to me like an oracle.
While in Raleigh, for example, my hotel room number was 317, my Wi-Fi code was 1117, and my rental car tag was 1017. And then when I picked up my luggage from the flight back to California, I picked it up at carousel number 17. In addition, I had already been prompted to prophesy to the Raleigh conference host about this number, that it was her promise of victory for land acquisition.
That word was based out Jer. 32:9-15 when Jeremiah purchased land for 17 shekels as a prophetic act, thus declaring the captives would return to Israel and own houses and lands again. This was again another confirmation. It's all eyes on 17, specifically 2017 being a completion year and a seed year.
Only the Pure Hearted Can See
I felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to pray this prayer for myself about six months ago. I began to ask the Lord to create in me a clean heart and to remove any secret faults in my life (Ps. 51:10; Ps. 19:12). Out of this prayer, came a powerful revelation on the spirit of Leviathan, the king of pride (Job 41) and a redirect in my life to go low and let the Lord answer my enemies for me.
I do believe there is a time to confront things and take up a cause when needed, but for this season, specifically the election season, I was being given a different strategy. It became not only a message to me, but a message to my church and to others.
I was also learning first-hand that being quick to repent for yourself AND for the sins of others, thus "going low," was a war move and an intense spiritual strategy from the Holy Spirit to bring conviction and deliverance.
For example, Stephen the martyr, insisted on forgiveness for his killers including Saul, which I believe paved the way for confrontation and conviction of sin in Saul's life (Acts 7 & 9). To my surprise, the first message I preached on pride resulted in an unexpected demand for ministry. That very week, our prayer chapel was packed out with men and women wanting to repent of pride and be free of it once and for all.

What About the Return of Christ?
Finally, my first presumption and communication about seeing a vision for the next 100 years, was that Jesus must not be returning quite yet. Just so you know, I'm a Believer in the Book of Revelation and cringe when I hear people dismissing it or pretending it doesn't say what it says. I did realize my presumption and then asked the Holy Spirit for more clarity. What came to my heart was this, "Where there is no vision, the people perish" (Prov. 29:18) and, "...Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?" (Luke 18:8)
In other words, we must proceed in faith—planning, believing, and positioning ourselves for greater measures, greater works, and greater glory to come in the next 100 years. This is a word to our personal legacy, our families and for our nation. If we don't, we are guaranteed destruction. Nevertheless, our heavenly Father is the only One who knows when it's time for Jesus to return (Matt. 24:26). Jesus will interrupt His plans, should our Father declare, "It's time."
See, Seed, and Prophesy
Vision requires provision and provision always begins with a seed (2 Cor. 9:6-13). That's why 2017 is a seed year. It's a year to be intentional. Just like Jeremiah purchased land for 17 shekels and prophesied to Israel's future, now it's your turn to sow. It's your turn to sow and prophesy to the seed being planted for the next 100 years of your family and the future of your nation.
You might be asking yourself, "Where and how do I sow?" Sow however the Holy Spirit directs you, knowing that God's holy angels are on the lookout for these prophetic seeds and prophetic declarations. Your prophetic act and declaration will put them on assignment for decades to come (Ps. 103:20). (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
Jennifer Eivaz, Executive Pastor
Harvest Christian Center, Turlock, CA
Email: Asst2jeneivaz@harvestturlock.org
Website: www.jennifereivaz.com
Blog: www.jennifereivazblog.com
Harvest Christian Center, Turlock, CA
Email: Asst2jeneivaz@harvestturlock.org
Website: www.jennifereivaz.com
Blog: www.jennifereivazblog.com
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