"America, It's a Time to Celebrate! Out of the Oval Office a President and Vice-President Shall Join Their Hands and Pray Together! This is My Promise to You!"by Hank Kunneman, Omaha, NE

Prophetic word of the Lord given by Hank Kunneman:
"United States You Will Be United!"
"In the day when the Son of God stood within the house, as Jesus stood in the house," says the Spirit of Grace, "and the power of the Lord was present to heal, but yet those in the room could not discern that the power of the Lord was present to heal them, and yet they stood and others sat criticizing in their hearts saying, 'How could this be?' So it is, America—listen to the word that I speak to you today:
"I have placed those in your House called White; this is My doing, this has been My saying, yet there are those who stand to despise, ignorant of that which I'm bringing to the room, to the House, by the way of My Holy Spirit. And as it was healing that day, do you not understand that there have been those in this land, My people called by My Name, who have cried out unto Me, and I have heard them and I have sent My plan to heal your land?
"And this promise is not just for you, but it is for your children and it is for the nations of the earth, for what is released in this House—the House of your government—shall touch the nations in a great way. Do not get caught up in the arguing, the fighting, the discussing; but discern that which I am releasing that will bring a nation together.
"United States, you shall be—you will be united—for there is a unity that is coming and there is a healing that is breaking forth, will you receive it? Will you receive it?"
"Can You Hear the Sound of Celebration? Welcome to Your Future!"
"Can you hear the sound of celebration?" says the Spirit of the Living God, "for this is the announcement of Heaven from the lips of the Father and the Lord of the Church, and upon the lips of the Hosts for even their trumpets are declaring 'celebration' upon the earth—for great things shall begin to unfold in this next season.
"Enough of the conspiracy theories that bring men to fear, enough of the speaking of Martial Law in your land, America, for this is the season to celebrate. Why should you celebrate? Because if you could see your future, if you could see the things that I have planned—this is why there has been such a great battle and continues to be a great battle to try to confuse, and to try to bring this nation into conflict.
"But I tell you—this nation shall be united as in the name that you bear, the United States. And here is why—for there shall be a wind that blows across this land again, for it shall be windy and the winds shall blow in very unusual places and in a very unusual way; and this again, the sign of the wind, shall be upon your streets and upon your cities and in your nation.
"This wind will not go away for a season, but this is a sign unto this land that the wind of the Holy Spirit is blowing afresh upon America. And here is what it shall accomplish," for God says, "Do you understand that even upon the place of the Oval Office, a Vice-President and a President shall join their hands and pray together? This is My promise to you and this is not just hope, this shall happen!"
And God says, "There shall be a sound that shall begin to spill out and there shall be such a unity of agreement of prayer in the very high office of your land. And then the Cabinet shall gather and many in the Cabinet shall gather too, and they shall pray to the one and only true God; and they shall gather their hands and they will pray. They will pray for the peace of Jerusalem and they will pray for the peace of America."
God says, "This shall spill out even upon Capitol Hill, and it shall be no strange thing when they shall open in prayer and they shall declare the name of My Son for this land was dedicated to His honor and so it shall be brought back to Him," says the Lord.
"Do you hear the sound of celebration?" For God says, "The wind that blows is a wind of change; it is a wind that is blowing through the White House to break down satanic altars and altars that were prayed in dedication to false gods. And this wind shall blow upon the very place of your White House, your Capitol Building, and there shall be an infilling of the Holy Spirit among many. This will be reported and this will be mocked," but God says, "let them mock, I will not be stopped.
"And this that I bring to you, America, will not be stopped, for this generation has a right to receive what I am pouring out upon all flesh; welcome to your future."
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