Lisa Bourbeau has this to say about cancer:
"All cancer that has a spiritual root involves some type of bitterness against someone for some reason. It may be the result of significant emotional wounding that was experienced in isolation during childhood. The most common emotional wounds that can manifest as serious physical disease are rejection, abandonment, humiliation, betrayal and injustice. Some people have endured a number or combination of these wounds. If you suffer from cancer, you’re probably a very loving person that wants to live in a loving world, so much that you completely repressed your feelings of bitterness, resentment and even hatred towards one of your parents. You may even have blamed God for what you went through and still blame Him for the state of your life. These suppressed feelings are not even acknowledged, let alone dealt with and released, so they are left to accumulate and gather in the body, to grow every time something awakens the emotional wound. Once emotional critical mass has been reached, the cancer will surface."
Another source I read says, "... cancer is known as the "butterfly disease". Like a butterfly, the cancer patient has to struggle to break out of the "cocoon" of their disease or die in the attempt. More often than not, the cancer "victim" has a pattern of long standing life problems that have been "eating them up inside".
Their inability or unwillingness to effectively deal with these problems is what created the cancerous cocoon to begin with. Often, cancer is the manifestation of the person's conflicting desires to escape the situation and to "keep things as they are" because change would be too painful. Cancer becomes the means of escape that many take by doing nothing to stop it from leading them to a "final solution."
Victory Over Cancer

Reading the book Victory Over Cancer! by Matthias Rath M.D. and Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, Ph.D. only took me 90 minutes because it is so simple and easy to read. The left page is a simple description of what causes cancer and how to block it and restore your cells, and the right page (all the way through the book) consists of full color pictures of the cells, showing what he has just described on the corresponding left page. The book explains simply, in a way anyone can understand, how to halt and reverse cancer and how to keep from ever getting it. Download this book for free, and at the bottom of his download page, you will be offered the opportunity to sign up for his free newsletter, and view his other six websites which I have listed below.
Key websites which will introduce to you the author, Dr. Rath:
Additional Health Resources Which Relate to Cancer
- A Prayer Approach for Healing Cancer - taking you step by step through the prayer.
- Fast and Your Health Will Spring Forth Speedily - Three days of water ONLY, reboots your immune system.
- Resources for Your own Miracle Service - Bring the healing crusade to your home.
- Remove the Emotional Roots to Cancer - Do this devotional daily for 5 - 15 days.
- Vitamin D3 Interview with Dr. Charles Majors - Author of Cancer Killers
- Synthetic vs. Whole Food Vitamins - It is really a life and death issue
- Vertebral Misalignment and the Corresponding Organ's Degeneration
- It Only Takes 10 Days for Good Nutrition to Improve Your Health!
- Emotional Freedom Technique for Christians - Interrupting negative energy patterns
- Turmeric - One of the most powerful foods on the planet - liquid form
- Life Extension - One of Mark Virkler's most trusted sources for health research (Use search bar and type in any word or phrase!)
- Dr. Mercola - Rated the #1 natural health website (Use search bar!)
- Dr. Schulze's amazing natural healing blog (Use search bar!)
- Dr. McDougall's Program - The Genesis diet for overall health (Use search bar!)
- Beyond Diet - Healthy recipes which are delicious!
- Jon Barron - He has a wonderful free book you can download, and his philosophy is to detoxify the body, build the immune system and nourish the cells. His blogs are intelligent and outstanding. You will benefit greatly.
- Treating Cancer Alternatively - Ty Bollinger interviews many alternative cancer specialists. You will gain an education that will save your life.
- Outsmart Your Cancer
- Alternative cancer approaches
- Gerson Institute - Extremely successful cancer-fighting clinic
- Oasis of Hope Hospital - Extremely successful cancer-fighting clinic
- Center for Advanced Medicine and Clinical Research - Detox with Dr. Buttar
- Burzynski Clinic - Extremely successful cancer-fighting clinic
- The 31-Day Home Cancer Cure by Ty Bollinger
- Cancer Killers may be purchased here.
- Go Natural! by Mark and Patti Virkler - Ideas on maintaining and restoring vibrant health.
- Prayers That Heal the Heart by Mark & Patti Virkler. Remove the spiritual roots of diseases by applying the teaching of this book. A More Excellent Way by Henry Wright is another book which provides extensive lists of likely connections between various spiritual roots and diseases. Three days of Prayer Ministry Counseling here.
- The China Study by T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., copyright 2004. Dr. Campbell has received over 70 grant-years of peer-reviewed research funding and authored more than 300 research papers. The China Study was the culmination of a twenty-year partnership of Cornell University, Oxford University and the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine. He shows that cancer is turned off 100% of the time with a plant-based diet (i.e., vegetarian diet, or the Genesis diet) and cancer is turned back on when one eats meats and dairy products. It is the most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted. It produced 8,000 statistically significant associations between various dietary factors and disease!
- How to Release God's Healing Power Through Prayer by Virkler, Greig and Gaydos (free download).
Healing Ministries and Crusades
- Dennis Walker Healing Meetings
- Benny Hinn Healing Crusades
- Randy Clark Healing Meetings
- Francis MacNutt Healing Center
Cancer Prevention and What Would I Do If I Discovered I Had Cancer?
It is always hard to determine what one would do before faced with a situation, but here are things I believe I would do. In fact, in order to maintain my health and prevent cancer, I am already doing everything on the list below, except utilizing the resources of a cancer clinic (# 2 below), and the heavy juicing and coffee enemas described in #3.
- Apply spiritual and emotional healing using these resources
- A Prayer Approach for Healing Cancer
- Fast and Your Health Will Spring Forth Speedily
- Resources for Your own Miracle Service
- Remove the Emotional Roots to Cancer - Do this devotional daily for 5 - 15 days.
- Fall asleep seeing God's healing rays of light disolving the cancer, and removing it. This tool may be used to soak you in the healing power of the Holy Spirit as you are drifting off to sleep.
- Attend a healing service or crusade if possible.
- Tap into the resources of one of these clinics
- Gerson Institute - Extremely successful cancer-fighting clinic
- Oasis of Hope Hospital - Extremely successful cancer-fighting clinic
- Center for Advanced Medicine and Clinical Research - Detox with Dr. Buttar
- Burzynski Clinic - Extremely successful cancer-fighting clinic
- Consume a totally healthy diet
- No sugar as cancer feeds on sugar
- No refined food, only fresh, live organic food.
- Juicing of organic vegetables as prescribed by the Gerson Institute
- Coffee enemas as prescribed by the Gerson Institute
- Vitamin D3, plus food enzymes, Turmeric, fermented foods, green tea, one gram of lemon grass in water, and other great nutritional products
- Apricot seeds as they send a poison directly into the cancer cells. These can be purchased at Amazon, and instructions for taking are here. I have consumed three daily for years by way of cancer prevention.
- The Budwig Diet: Dr Johanna Budwig, died May 19, 2003, in Freudenstadt, Germany, at the age of 94. Dr. Budwig, a seven-time Nobel award nominated doctor, says this essential nutrient combination promotes overall health and actually prevents and cures cancer! Blend the following for a nice breakfast, dessert or late evening snack. Take ¼ cup of organic cottage cheese mixed with 1.5 oz of flaxseed oil (3 tablespoons). The ratio of cottage cheese to flax seed oil is critical and you must not deviate from it. Add fruit, banana, and honey to your taste. Adding ½ quart of strawberries makes a great tasting smoothie. When not in good health, take 3 times a day. Read an in-depth report here.
- Totally detoxify your environment by purchasing natural: cleaning products, personal skin care products, and deodorants plus mercury free dentistry, air purifier, water purifier and EMF shields.
- Exercise daily as this builds the immune system, reduces fat and builds muscle
- MaxT3 for 12 minutes
- Bike riding for 45 minutes
- Whole Body Vibration for 10 minutes
- Research
- Read and do everything in The 31-Day Home Cancer Cure by Ty Bollinger
- Review the books and website listed in this blog
Go Deeper - Get Healthy!
Check out this entire blog series on Vibrant Health! - Miracles PLUS Gifts of Healings. Working through this series on health is ideal for both individuals and groups. The more we take responsibility for ourselves - spirit, soul and body - the healthier we become! Won't you join me in living to at least 100 in vibrant health?
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