Don’t Let Your Past Hold You Back From His Future.

God wants to clear ground in our lives to make room for His promises and future plans. He wants to heal our past so we can live in our future. But sometimes we can’t move into the future because pain is present in our lives.
Everyone of us, without exception, have experienced a level of pain, hurt, and disappointment in life. For some of us, it could go back to unfortunate childhood experiences. For others, it may be a more recent event. Regardless, these are wounds, small or large, that can affect us everyday. They cloud our future, making it impossible to embrace God as Father and live in our promises.
The point being, they have to go; they have to be healed!
It is God’s intention that you become as He is, whole and complete.
We must learn to get healed as we go; we must become intimately acquainted with His healing process and intentionality in our lives. When you get healed a few times, you realize that the whole point of getting ‘wounded,’ was to experience the pleasure of being healed.2
I want us to experience the fullness of who the Father is, because He absolutely adores us and we need to experience that.
If you are facing any current pain or “stuckness,” let Him touch you right where you are at. He is waiting to refresh and renew you. He is giving you joy, peace, and wholeness in exchange for pain, anxiety, and sadness.4
If interested in experiencing the Father’s healing in this way, meditate on this word from the Lord. Hear His desire to heal you and bring you into a brilliant future:
Beloved, there is a spirit of refreshing that is going to follow you, so give yourself to it physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Come and return to the place of joy and laugher, and I will overcome your staleness.I give Myself to you. I favor you. Come, return to My favor, joy, laughter, and happiness. Come and bask in my goodness, kindness, and mercy. Everything about Me is for you! Everything that I am is for you. All that I have is for you. My heart is towards you.I am listening! Talk to Me. Tell Me your innermost heart. Tell Me your fears and your concerns. I am with you. I am for you. Nothing is too small that I could not be interested in you. Every facet of your life belongs to me because you belong to Me. You are My possession. So relax in My river.I have got plans to give you confidence to bring you into a place of such incredible trust and faith that you will live the life of an overcomer. I plan to totally change your internal state so that I live on the inside of you in strength, power, and majesty.I will change your internal state from fear to love, from anxiety to peace, from misery to laughter, from weariness to refreshing. You will find yourself thinking the way I think, seeing the way I see, believing the way I believe, becoming who I am. That is my intention that you would become even as I am, and the world will know you differently for you will be different. So, Beloved, rest and be at peace.
I hope you encounter His healing touch today!

PS) For a more in depth process to experiencing the Father’s healing, check out Prophetic Healing. It’s an audio recording full of promises and proclamations for God renewing us in our journey into our promises and destinies. Oh, and did I mention it’s free this month at Brilliant Bookhouse! Click here to get your copy now!
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