I love to read words by Johnny Enlow. They are always encouraging and exciting. God is a good God and He is about to show us that He is coming in power to enable us to change the world!

1967 was the "Summer of LOVE" - 50 Years Later - 2017 is the "Summer of the DOVE!"
I am finalizing this word while in Jerusalem, just before Pentecost, where we remember the glorious outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room that birthed and launched the Church. The Lord has been speaking to me much about the coming breakout of Heaven over us this upcoming summer.
It has been so inspirational being here in Jerusalem with so much history taking place and being revisited. My own journey with the Holy Spirit began 50 years ago as I was baptized in the Holy Spirit the same year Jerusalem came back under Israel rule. 1967 gave us The Summer of Love and now 50 years later we are going to get The Summer of the Dove.
I believe that starting this Pentecost we will experience a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit that is connected to an unprecedented release of new songs and sounds of Heaven. We actually really need it. These songs and sounds will pierce the atmosphere with the Holy Spirit's new marching rhythms.
"Make sure you position yourself at this time to receive the new double-portion outpouring of the Holy Spirit."
This Pentecost season connects us to the 50th anniversary of Jerusalem miraculously and stunningly coming back under Israel authority after more than two thousand years. Jerusalem and Israel's resurrected destiny is totally tied into an increase of the work of the Holy Spirit. We are now about to "go double" on what is being poured out by the Dove. It is also connected to the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Protestant Reformation.
This Pentecost also represents the 111th Pentecost since the Azusa Street Revival that has changed the world forever. Before that outpouring, the percentage of Christians with a defined encounter or baptism in the Holy Spirit did not reach even .1% of Believers. Now there are an estimated 700 million "Spirit-filled" Believers, meaning that almost 1 in every 10 people on the planet has had an encounter or baptism with the Holy Spirit that goes beyond just "saying the sinners prayer". This is an almost astronomical reality that is becoming the progressive game-changer of all game-changers on our planet.

Songs that Usher in Reformation and Renaissance
I have been aware that our worship songs of recent years have not captured the prophetic ascendancy that has been available. By that I mean, that though there have been amazing songs over the last few years, they have lagged behind in "prophetic maturity and declaration". Anointed worship songs and anthems are often ten or more years ahead of where the advancing Church is. This has not been recently the case.
There have been great songs of overcoming fear and great songs of our Father's love for us – both very needed, yet limited prophetic seeing into this day of Reformation and Renaissance. For the last couple of years I have been declaring the availability of these songs for the anointed psalmists, but I have seen a vision of these songs as the fruit at the top of a tree that we have never climbed to.
The low hanging fruit satisfied and so a higher place was not sought out. Part of the reason for this is that we have become quite content with the new formula for the new worship songs and that has hindered the high creativity and thus the high anointing that was available to be accessed. Don't get me wrong, worship songs have been fine but there has been a higher level available. This will not be held back anymore.
The coming outpouring of the Holy Spirit is going to make those high treetop places more readily accessible, but songbirds and songwriters are still going to have to break out of the "safe formulaic box" and go there and get it. The more successful you presently are the more unlikely you are to break out of your mold, and so many of the new songs are likely to come from previously unknown sources. The invitation of course is to all.
Find the rarefied air in the Spirit and then respond to what you have encountered. There is another dimension and perspective of His heart towards us yet available to be accessed, and when it is found it will carry a presence power that will literally melt the hearts of the masses. Our new praise to Him will come out of that new revelation of His expanded heart towards us.
Sounds that Bring Heavenly Accelerant
We are going to be greatly propelled by the new songs and the new sounds of Heaven that are coming to us and it is going to add heavenly accelerant to the Body of Christ. These songs will release new hope, new faith, new joy, new vision and new love. Justice and liberty will ring out from the very sounds that are captured and released.
"1967 gave us The Summer of Love and now 50 years later we are going to get The Summer of the Dove."
The new sounds, the new beats and the new rhythms will at times feel like an approaching or a departing train – and I say that prophetically without fully knowing what that means, but I can feel it coming in. It all ties in to the Reformation Glory Train (my first prophetic word of 2017) that is coming into this nation and into the nations of the world. We will have expanded definitions of the love and the glory of the Lord, because we haven't seen anything yet compared to what is coming.
Heaven is about to show up and show off outside of the four walls of the Church and every stage on the planet will be a divine target. Jesus told us, "You are the light of the WORLD," not just "You are the light of the Church." We are going to learn to run with this as we have never done before. The 7 mountains of society (media, economy, government, education, family, arts and religion) are going to be progressively invaded by the King's kids who understand that narrative and the day we live in. It is not about "domination" of the mountains, it is about loving, anointed, creative, innovative influence on the mountains.
God has a better way for everything. Toss out all end-time expectations of doom and gloom. Yes, we will have intense resistance and in many nations significant persecution will abound. However, in the midst of all these realities it is the Kingdom of God that will be the prevailing dynamic.

In the upcoming Summer of the Dove, the songs and sounds of Heaven are going to help us get on board with a new level of agreement. The new soundtrack of Heaven is imperative to accompany the new showtime that Heaven has planned for earth. Make sure you position yourself at this time to receive the new double-portion outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Make sure you carry the new wineskin of reformation of society that is required to hold this fresh anointing from Heaven.
Psalmists, minstrels, song writers, musicians, house of David – you are vital at this time. You must receive the new soundtrack of Heaven that is going to accompany the new "show-time" on earth for the Kingdom of God. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List go here.)
Johnny Enlow
Johnny and Elizabeth
Email: Contact@JohnnyandElizabeth.com
Website: www.JohnnyandElizabeth.com
Johnny and Elizabeth
Email: Contact@JohnnyandElizabeth.com
Website: www.JohnnyandElizabeth.com
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