"As 5778 Begins: Transition from Trials into Blessings this Month!"
This month is the beginning of HUGE shifts that are about to happen in your life. How you make this transition right now will determine if you go through this season with great blessing and promotion, or loss and having to go around the mountain one more time.
We have just come out of the month of Av on the Hebrew calendar. This is a testing month as it always has been since Israel was in the wilderness. Between now and the fall feasts there are things to watch out for.
Many have been in the testing time as their pressures increase and God starts to deal with emotions, thoughts, and hurts. The warfare often increases on multiple levels. How you pass this testing time determines if your new season will be that of your "Promised Land" or another season in the desert.
"Dear friends don't be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if some strange thing were happening to you." 1 Peter 4:12
"Start to enter into the major shift and glory visitation during this prophetic Biblical season so God can transition you with new favor for the coming year for awakening in your life, America and the nations."
Many are suddenly alarmed at the surprise trials, betrayals, testings and attacks that seem to come in this season. Know that you are not alone. The enemy often uses psychological and emotional warfare to get you into bitterness, anger, fear and unforgiveness, etc. He knows that if He can get you in the flesh you can hinder your destiny for yet another season.
Once you realize this is only a test then it's much easier to go through it. Embrace the Cross. This means, embrace the testing, love people, forgive those who betray you, repent if you have wronged others or held grudges and out of hurt, cut off from people. Stay in the spirit, keep your joy, stay in the Word and keep declaring the goodness of God.
When You Have Done All, Stand
Then when you have done all to stand, just stand. When the dust settles you will be in a new place in many areas of your life. If you give in to the pressures and do things in the flesh, you end up going around the same mountain and trials just with a different set of people and situations.
Getting out of Egypt is not the same as getting Egypt out of you. Moses missed out on entering the Promised Land due to unresolved anger. We can't bring the same old issues into the new. To get the victor's crown in this race we are all running we have to let them go and "...lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us..." (Hebrews 12:1).
We have heard so many stories recently from pastors and leaders, of people who suddenly just quit their job or positions the same day with no warning or notice, leaving people in a mess. Unfortunately, this allows the enemy to steal their blessing by default. This is a huge red flag indicating people are thinking more about self and did not pass the testings and pressures God's way. Instead, they just bailed off their "cross" and season of testing without transitioning in God's timing with love and peace so they could be blessed in their transition.

For those of you who did do that, the only solution and the good news is, you can repent (and make it right with those people, businesses, or ministries you betrayed out of self-preservation, especially now in this season as we are coming into the season of repentance leading up to Yum Kippur).
Stay in the Spirit
For those of you in the fire of testing, stay in the spirit with praise and worship. Keep your mind clear by declaring the Word of God and prophetic words over your life.
Stay in the spirit of love which always forgives, releases hurt, thinks the best, hopes the best, believes the best of others, and does all for the benefit of others and God. If you stay in the right spirit even during your trials the next verse is the promise God gives you.
"Instead, because you are participating in the sufferings of the Messiah, keep on rejoicing, so that you may be glad and shout for joy when His glory is revealed."1 Peter 4:13
We have been in full-time ministry for over 25 years and have seen this same pattern play out over and over. We have seen the amazing favor and promotions for those who did it right, including when we transitioned to where we are now, and we have seen those who totally just reacted in the flesh and did things their way. It caused much loss in their life and callings, delaying things for years, when they were almost at the finish line of their next assignment and promotion.
aThere is a new glory, favor, power, promotion and blessing coming at the end of your trial as we come into the feasts starting this coming weekend! This is the great news! If you have been in some major testing and trials, it means that the glory and breakthrough (if you pass the test with the right heart) will be greater than the trial you just went through!
The King is in the Field
Some months it seems like its harder to connect with God and get into His high glory as other months. That season is about to change as we are now in the month of Elul after the hard testing month of the month of Av. Yet now, we are about to enter the exciting fall feasts!
The month of Elul means "the King is in the field." This means it's a month that is easier to access the highest intimacy and glory of God. God seems to be much nearer to many during this upcoming seasonal portal as many suddenly start to get major visitation from the King and prayers suddenly seem to be answered quickly. This month is a time to fix what has been broken or left undone in many areas of our life.
According to inner.org: "Elul is the sixth of the twelve months of the Jewish calendar...Elul is called 'the month of repentance,' 'the month of mercy,' and 'the month of forgiveness.' Elul follows the two previous months of Tammuz and Av, the months of the two great sins of Israel, the sin of the golden calf and the sin of the spies...This is the month that 'the King is in the field'. All can approach Him, and He shines His countenance upon everyone."
"Many have been in the testing time as their pressures increase and God starts to deal with emotions, thoughts, and hurts. The warfare often increases on multiple levels."
It's the season to repent of failures from the past season and make it right with those that you have hurt out of offense. The Bible even says to leave your gift at the altar and go make things right with your brother, then your prayers will be answered.
This is a time when God comes into your field or your area of your life, calling and situation, to make Himself accessible and surprise you with His presence. Whereas in other seasons it might have seemed harder to access the same level of closeness to Him as it is in this new season.
A Time of Good Fortune
Elul is also the month connected to the tribe of Gad. This is a good, transitional month, being the last month of the old year, which precedes the "fall feasts." The month of Gad also means "good fortune." If we transition correctly we should have an expectation of good fortune throughout the month.
Rewards will begin to manifest according to what you have done. That's why it's so important to deal with old sins, hurts and issues now before the fall feasts start so you stay in God's favor, blessings and especially intimacy with Him. Doing so will carry you until the next major season during Passover. This is the month to be sure your emotions and actions are submitted to the Lord.
We are entering the year 5778. Eight is the number of new beginnings! Rosh Hashanah or Head of the Year this September is one of those super prophetic seasons where God speaks to His people in a very powerful way. Many prophetic ministers and Believers receive great heavenly visitation and huge favor and blessing during this time when they set time aside to be with Him and His people together. We call these times "seasonal portals" – seasons of time where God promises to visit in a certain way if we just show up to the appointment.

Knowing what God is about to do and positioning yourself for it is the key to riding the wave of God's move on the earth with great blessing and favor.
Prepare for Major Shifts
It's one of the times that God promises to visit and bless us in an extraordinary way. It's also the season where major shifts occur in the earth. God promises to do nothing before revealing it to His servants the prophets.
Start to enter into the major shift and glory visitation during this prophetic Biblical season so God can transition you with new favor for the coming year for awakening in your life, America and the nations.
Another thing is to give God an offering to worship Him during the upcoming feasts/seasonal portals coming as we enter into the first month of the new year on God's calendar. During "Head of the Year" which we are about to celebrate, God promises to bless us greatly when we bring Him a sacrificial offering. This, combined with our repentance, forgiveness, praise, worship, faith and offerings causes huge blessings to come back to us! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Dr. David Herzog
David Herzog Ministries: The Glory ZoneEmail: office@thegloryzone.org
Website: www.thegloryzone.org
David Herzog Ministries: The Glory ZoneEmail: office@thegloryzone.org
Website: www.thegloryzone.org
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