Thursday, July 4, 2019

"Keep Your Eyes on the Sky This 4th of July!"Hank Kunneman, Omaha, NE

Notice the dates of these prophetic words that were recently sent through the Elijah List.  Amazing, isn't it?

"Keep Your Eyes on the Sky This 4th of July!"Hank Kunneman, Omaha, NE
Prophecy: March 3, 2019
I see the 4th of July. Something is happening this 4th of July. Heaven is about to come down on this 4th of July. There is a major shift coming this 4th of July! A convergence of Heaven touching this nation.
"The sound has touched the heart as I have spoken of your president," says the Lord. "And it is a sound in his heart to bring an honor to this nation, but to also bring an honor to the God of this nation. Therefore, watch your 4th of July. There shall be a gathering; there shall be a call this 4th of July, 'Come and gather.' Do not think this is a small, insignificant thing for with the call to gather, it is part of My plan to unite this nation." (Photo via Unsplash)

Prophecy: May 26, 2019
Your nation is being set free; therefore, in the summer of light, watch what is declassified. Watch what comes to the light. And when you see your fireworks, this is a sign of spiritual forces being broken, being thrown from their lofty place. It shall, for a season, create chaos, and this will seem like your summer, but do not look at the chaos! Do not look at the heat by way of the natural and heat of violence. Keep your eyes upon the sky! Look to the sign of the light and what breaks forth in your expression this 4th of July.
Hank Kunneman
One Voice Ministries


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