Monday, November 30, 2020


This is a must watch to know what is happening and for a preview of what is about to come.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Could the Retraction of Genevieve Briand's Article Be Politically Related?

The Covid 19 hoax is being exposed but there are those who are attempting to supress it.

A newsworthy article which was published in the Johns Hopkins University News Letter written by senior lecturer at Johns Hopkins, Genevieve Briand, a longtime professor of economics and statistics was retracted on Thursday.  See the WND article on the retraction here.  Is it only a coincidence the retraction coincides with the announcement that Hopkins' alumni and faculty have been appointed to Biden's Covid-19 task force?

(There is also an excellent article which explains much more of Dr. Briand's information posted on

Here is Dr. Briand's conclusion:  "Surprisingly, the deaths of older people stayed the same before and after COVID-19," she found, according to the News-Letter report.

"Since COVID-19 mainly affects the elderly, experts expected an increase in the percentage of deaths in older age groups," the report said.  But no such increase was seen in the CDC data.

"These data analyses suggest that in contrast to most people's assumptions, the number of deaths by COVID-19 is not alarming. In fact, it has relatively no effect on deaths in the United States," the report said. "This comes as a shock to many people. How is it that the data lie so far from our perception?"...

...The News-Letter clarified: "In other words, the effect of COVID-19 on deaths in the U.S. is considered problematic only when it increases the total number of deaths or the true death burden by a significant amount in addition to the expected deaths by other causes."

"Since the crude number of total deaths by all causes before and after COVID-19 has stayed the same, one can hardly say, in Briand’s view, that COVID-19 deaths are concerning."

The CDC estimates a 99.997% survival rate for those from birth to age 19 who contract COVID-19. It's 99.98% for ages 20-49, 99.5% for 50-69 and 94.6% for those over 70.

Why are we allowing our lives to be disrupted continuously by mandates which are not helpful in containing a virus?  Masks are useless.  Since the virus travels 30 feet in the air, 6 feet social distancing is a joke!  You cannot hide from a virus so make sure you are doing all you can to supplement your immune system--Vitamins C & D, zinc, magnesium and other helpful supplements, wash your hands, cover your mouth when you cough, stay home if you are sick but otherwise go enjoy life!!  Life is too precious to just wait and endure. Renounce fear and walk in faith!

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

"USA – Do You Believe I Am the Way Maker?" Katie Barker

I have a worship video playing on YouTube as I am posting this.  Guess what song is on right now!  Way Maker!!  I believe God is confirming this word even as I type!  Isn't He amazing?!!

 "USA – Do You Believe I Am the Way Maker?"

Katie Barker, Tweed Coast, Australia

I heard the Lord say, "Watch Me make a way where there appears to be no way. Will you put your trust in Me? Now is the time to rise up in faith, for the battle is Mine. There is a mighty battle taking place over the unfolding of the destiny of the USA, but My people will see that the battle is Mine for I am coming to overturn injustices and to bring justice.

Exposure of the Enemy's Plans

"I am coming to expose the darkness and to uproot what is evil. What the enemy meant for harm I will turn for good. As the enemy's plans and schemes are exposed, that will be the very catalyst that propels My plans and purposes. Just like in the time of Esther, where Haman was hung on his own gallows, the plans of the enemy will be exposed and will be the very thing that causes the demise of the enemy's plans and a rise of My plans and purposes.

Stand Firm in Faith

"I am not a man that I should lie. Speak forth with boldness the turnaround that is coming. Posture your hearts in faith and thanksgiving knowing I am faithful to bring to pass all I have spoken. Decree the overturning of the evil agenda and the breaking forth of My plans. Now is not the time to step back or to doubt, but to stand firm in faith, standing on the promises I have given. My Word does not return void but accomplishes all it is sent forth to fulfill. Align your words with Mine and speak forth My Word. (Photo via Unsplash)

"Many are confused by what they appear to see unfolding in the natural and are beginning to doubt what I have spoken, but now is the time to look only to Me, to hear only My words and to stand in faith for the fulfillment of all I have spoken. Every step is in My hands. Much is occurring behind the scenes and I am orchestrating the path ahead. The spiritual battle continues to rage but as My people partner with Me they will see victory is Mine. Stand in My strength and the power of My Spirit. Do not be dismayed but know that I change the times and seasons and I remove and establish kings."

"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful." (Hebrews 10:23 ESV)

"God is not man, that He should lie, or a son of man, that He should change His mind. Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not fulfill it?" (Numbers 23:19 ESV)

"He changes times and seasons; He removes kings and sets up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding." (Daniel 2:21 ESV)

Path to Greater Freedom, Alignment and Truth

"My ways are higher and the unmasking of the plans of the enemy will lead the nation to a place of greater freedom than would have occurred had this path not been taken. The unmasking will lead to an uprooting of evil that would otherwise have remained hidden. Surely, I work all things for good. 

"As the plots and schemes of the enemy are uncovered, this will launch the nation into a position of greater alignment and restart the nation from a more solid foundation of truth and righteousness. This platform will be established on the back of My divine intervention and justice for I am coming swiftly and My justice will be seen. My faithful ones, now is not the time to grow weary, for the day of harvest for all that has been sown in prayer and intercession is coming."

"Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; steadfast love and faithfulness go before You." (Psalm 89:14 ESV)

"And don't allow yourselves to be weary or disheartened in planting good seeds, for the season of reaping the wonderful harvest you've planted is coming!" (Galatians 6:9 TPT) (Photo via Unsplash)

Overturning and a Course Correction

"The outcome of this election has worldwide significance and impact so the spiritual battle surrounding it is great. But this is the hour of the overturning for I have heard the prayers of My people and I am coming to show Myself strong on their behalf. A course-correction will be seen in the nation following My intervention. The day of deliverance is coming, for I will overthrow and overturn the plans of the enemy and relaunch the nation into the greater destiny I have planned for it."

Stand firm in faith knowing He is faithful. Continue to partner with the Lord in prayer and intercession to see the plans of the enemy exposed and His plans established. He is the way maker and He is coming to overturn injustice and to bring a course correction to the nation. All He has spoken regarding the election will come to pass.

Whatever you do, don't miss another ELIJAH LIST email! Subscribe at this link:

Katie Barker
Bring the Fire Ministries

Sunday, November 22, 2020


Are you ready for a little more encouragement?  We have found much on Steve Schultz's interviews on the Elijah Streams youtube channel.  This one with Bobby Connor was excellent!

Also you might be interested in video posts by Daniel Lee on Rumble.  Here is the latest:

Thursday, November 19, 2020

The COVID-19 Testing Scam, 8 in 10 Are False Positives

 More support for the scare tactics and scam of Covid posted on  

The COVID-19 Testing Scam, 8 in 10 Are False Positives

Cambridge virologist: Lockdowns and masks are 'greatest hoax ever'

 This article confirms what many have been saying.  I highly recommend reading it and taking it to heart.  There has been way too much fear intentionally associated with Covid. 

Cambridge virologist: Lockdowns and masks are 'greatest hoax ever'

Tuesday, November 17, 2020


This is very interesting!  I don't know who these people are, but they seem to know what they are talking about.

Saturday, November 14, 2020


     Are you needing a little more encouragement to continue to believe we have won this election?  If so, watch this interview. 
     The results will be known soon as deception and lies are exposed.  Rejoice!  The Lord is at work and it will be better than you could have imagined!

Friday, November 13, 2020

"God's Plans for America Will Not Be Overthrown!" by Dutch Sheets

 From The Elijah List this morning:

"God's Plans for America Will Not Be Overthrown!"

We are in the middle of an evil attempt to overthrow the government of the United States of America. This attempt is about so much more than President Trump, but he is currently the focal point of the attack. The enemy has a plan to rule over this nation and President Trump stands in his way. Satan has stirred up the Left to ramrod their plan forward, and they have truly pulled out all the stops to make that happen.

This is not a new thing. Psalm 2 begins by saying, "How dare the nations plan a rebellion. Their foolish plots are futile! Look at how the power brokers of the world rise up to hold their summit as the rulers scheme and confer together against Yahweh and His Anointed King, saying, 'Let's come together and break away from the Creator. Once and for all let's cast off these controlling chains of God and His Christ!'" (verses 1-3, TPT)

As for this nation right now, there are demonic agendas at every level across every sector. We are seeing this in Government, Media, Business, Religion, Arts and Entertainment, and Education conspiring together to ideologically change America. If they succeed, the America that was, will be no more.

We must stand firm and believe God will intervene and all their wicked plans fail, as we continue to intercede and decree. We must stand and declare, "The evil spiritual forces that are trying to rule America now will be overruled by the authority of King Jesus!"

Psalm 2 continues, and verses 4-6 tell us, "God-Enthroned merely laughs at them; the Sovereign One mocks their madness! Then with the fierceness of His fiery anger He settles the issue and terrifies them to death with these words: 'I Myself have poured out My King on Zion, My holy mountain.'" (Photo via Pixabay)

God sent His Son to deal with rebellious hearts plotting schemes against Him, such as attempting to overthrow the very plan of God for America. Jesus replied to the Father in verses 7-9, "I will reveal the eternal purpose of God. For He has decreed over Me, 'You are My favored Son. And as Your Father I have crowned You as My King Eternal... Ask Me to give You the nations and I will do it, and they shall become Your legacy. Your domain will stretch to the ends of the earth. And You will shepherd them with unlimited authority, crushing their rebellion as an iron rod smashes jars of clay!'"

Some prophetic voices have said this battle will look like the book of Esther. Haman, who thought he was being exalted, was instead hanged on his own gallows. Others have said it would be as Lazarus in the grave or Christ in the tomb. As in all these cases, the enemy will think he has won. It will look like it's over. Then suddenly, the victory will be seen. That's exactly what has happened so far. The media has prematurely declared their choice for president. While those on the Left rejoice, we are still waiting for the legal results of this election. We still have time to see the rod of Christ's authority fall and crush the rebellion at the gate.

Psalm 2 concludes in verses 10 and 11 with an opportunity for repentance: "Listen to Me, all you rebel-kings and all you upstart judges of the earth. Learn your lesson while there's still time. Serve and worship the awe-inspiring God. Recognize His greatness and bow before Him, trembling with reverence in His presence."

Give Him 15 Minutes in Prayer:

• Say, "How dare those with a godless, humanistic plan for America enact a rebellion against God and this nation? Their foolish plots are futile! Look at how the power brokers of the world rise up as rulers and scheme and confer together against Yahweh and His Anointed. ALL of your plans will be exposed and brought to justice!"

• Command every hidden scheme intended to enact a coup against the United States of America to be revealed! We want all the details to get in the light—what was done, how, and by whom.

• Decree, "The iron rod of Christ's authority will smash all of Hell's rebellious plots against us, even those not yet carried out!"

• Pray that all those without Christ that are conspiring against us will now see Jesus and will fall on their faces in awe and repentance.May they acknowledge His greatness before it is too late. (Photo via

• Declare, "God's eternal covenant and purpose for America are secure."

A Prayer You Can Pray:

Father, look on the rebellious ones attempting to cancel Your covenant with America. They want a godless, humanistic plan for America and have enacted a rebellion against the United States of America. Look at how the power brokers of the world rise up as rulers, and scheme and confer together against You and Your Anointed. They have made a huge mistake! They have plotted against You! We say their foolish plots are futile! ALL of their plans will be exposed and brought to justice!

We release the strategies of Psalm 2 and say, "The strategies of Hell will be crushed with the scepter and the authority of the King of kings and Lord of lords." We declare that all demonic entities that have been in the process of being uprooted will be fully dealt with now. Out with you!

Lord, it is a terrible thing to be confronted by You, the Living God. The brightness of Your glory exposes all the darkness in us and we are undone. Reveal Yourself to these enemies of America. May they fall on their faces in brokenness and humble repentance. Nevertheless, we ask for justice for what they have done. They have put America through so much turmoil, violence, threats, and upheaval. As these wicked ones and their plans are fully exposed, we declare in Jesus' name, "God's eternal covenant and purpose for America is secure!" Amen.

Today's decree:

Christ's rod of authority is falling against the coup against America. It will be fully exposed to the Light! Justice will come and America will be saved!

Whatever you do, don't miss another ELIJAH LIST email! Subscribe at this link:

Dutch Sheets
Dutch Sheets Ministries


Thursday, November 12, 2020

How Would You Prefer to Spend Your Last Holiday Season? by Dr. Mercola

If you are worrying about how you are going to spend your Thanksgiving (or Christmas) you might want to read this article sent from Dr. Mercola.    

Once it was determined the covid virus was no more lethal than the flu, our family decided it was more important to "live" than to cower in fear missing important events in life, including seeing friends and family.  (See information below:  COVID-19 has not killed off more of the population than would have died in any given year anyway.)  How much more fun we have had these past 9 months than the average mask wearer! Our motto is: You can't hide from a virus so you might as well take the usual precautions, like washing your hands and covering your mouth when you cough, and enjoy life!

Here is an excerpt from the article:  

At What Price Safety?

Should government be permitted to micromanage how and with whom you spend your holidays? As noted by A.J. Kay in a recent Medium article,2 “If safety requires us to indefinitely forfeit the most valuable parts of our lives, what exactly are we trying to save?”

That’s a question well worth asking. Just how great a price are you willing to pay for the illusion of safety? SARS-CoV-2 has a survival rate of 99.99% for those under the age of 40.3 Even people over the age of 60 who aren’t residents of nursing homes have a survival rate of 98.29%.4

Data5,6 also show the overall all-cause mortality has remained steady during 2020 and doesn’t veer from the norm — in other words, COVID-19 has not killed off more of the population than would have died in any given year anyway — yet residents in many areas are now told, in great detail, how they can and cannot celebrate their holidays. Is it worth it?

“This will be the final Thanksgiving for 2.8 million (the annual all-cause death toll) of our fellow Americans. It could be my last — or yours. That likelihood is significantly higher for our elderly loved ones, too many of whom will not have seen or hugged their family in nine months,” Kay writes.7

“The hard truth is that we do not know who will be around for Thanksgiving next November. What we do have is right now — this moment — today. We aren’t promised one second more …

We’ve already forgone countless once-in-a-lifetime events to mitigate a newly-minted definition of risk which takes only one variable into account. And have neglected to acknowledge that many of our seniors — the most vulnerable among us — don’t even want that kind of ‘safety’ because it costs precious moments with their families …

There’s only one ‘unsafe’ version of Thanksgiving for me and that’s failing to be present with my family, allowing weaponized shame and performative restrictions to keep us apart. God forbid one of us isn’t sitting at that table next year, I can’t imagine grappling with that regret. And if one (or all) of us get COVID, so be it.”

Continue reading here.


Monday, November 9, 2020


Whenever you get discouraged or fearful about the outcome of the election watch this again!


 I am not familiar with Greg Locke but was sent this message by a friend.  I must say I love his passion and his message!  And I agree!  It is time to stand up, be bold, fight for right, and continue to pray!

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Prophetic Dream 11/6/2020 | Hank Kunneman

Another important word through Hank Kunneman.  Don't give up.  Rejoice that the Lord is not through with the U.S. (or the world).  Continue to pray and celebrate.

The Plot Against The President Documentary

 Have you seen the documentary, "The Plot Against The President"?  I hadn't, but it was highly recommended to me so since it is free on Amazon Prime, we decided to have friends over to watch it last night.  What an amazing expose!   Once you see it, and understand the corruption, lies and deception used to destroy the lives and character of those who disagree with the global agenda (particularly of note the agenda to be rid of General Flynn), you will never watch the mainstream media again.  We are being brainwashed constantly!  I knew that in theory, but after seeing irrefutable evidence of how deep the corruption is, I am dismayed and determined to do everything in my little world of influence to ensure that it is exposed and stopped.

  Here is the link. Once you've seen it be sure to pass it on.  How else will truth ever be known?

Friday, November 6, 2020

Word of Encouragement From Hank Kunneman 11/4/2020

We need to continually remind ourselves and others to continue praying.  Trump will win if we don't give up.  Keep your eyes on the Lord.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

President Trump Will Be Re-elected!

 President Trump will win and in the process much corruption will be revealed!

If you are needing encouragement to believe he will be re-elected you might want to watch this video.

Also, here are a couple of other encouraging words:

2. And from Jeremiah Johnson:
 Dear Friends,
As many of you know, there has been a chorus of mature and tested prophets in America with a proven track record that have predicted Donald J. Trump would be re-elected President of the United States. 
I am one of them.

However, we are now watching news unfold today that is saying otherwise. In fact, I believe Joe Biden will soon pre-maturely announce that he is the next President of the United States. Chaos will ensue.
Either a lying spirit has filled the mouths of numerous trusted prophetic voices in America or Donald J. Trump really has won the Presidency and we are witnessing a diabolical and evil plan unfold to steal the Election. I believe with all my heart that the latter is true.
You read that correctly.
Donald J. Trump won the 2020 election last night and the chorus of prophets who saw into the future and prophesied it were ACCURATE. 

They should not apologize. In fact, in the coming weeks many of them will be harassed and slandered. It will be nothing more than a Satanic attack to rattle them and challenge the faith of the people of God.
I'm prophetically warning you: This is the hour to fast, pray, and stand in agreement with what the prophets have accurately prophesied: Donald J. Trump will win re-election.
You must understand... China, Big Tech including Fox News, and Social Media Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are all in on this demonic agenda to steal the 2020 Election from Donald Trump. 

I cannot even publish this online for fear our ministry will be censored once again. These media outlets are the modern day false prophets of Baal. They are shouting, mocking, deceiving, and taunting the people of God.
On Election Night, when they realized President Trump would be declared the winner, they systematically began to stop counting ballots and started their election fraud. 

They refused to be honest with the American people and Donald Trump was right all along. They declared war on the church in Arizona. 

Perhaps, the real truth is that President Trump is becoming WAY MORE prophetic than most of the American Church ever has and will be. He is the one who has constantly been warning us that this exactly what was going to happen.
To be more blunt: Civil War was declared last night on American soil. The battle is going to be fierce in the days ahead but I am confident that truth will prevail and massive scandals are about to be exposed. 

We are in a Daniel 9 moment where the future is seen, but yet participation is required to see it's fulfillment.
For all the prayer and fasting the Church has engaged in so far for this election and the days we are living in, what we choose to do over the next two weeks could be the most significant in American history.
My appeal to you as the reader is simple: Refuse to be the victim of fraud and deception and stand with Donald J. Trump. Do not give in to fear but rather stand in faith and believe what the prophets have spoken. You will prosper. (2 Chronicles 20:20)
All eyes fixed on Jesus Christ,
Jeremiah Johnson

I particularly like what God has to say about it all: 

Act I – The Nations Speak

 How dare the nations plan a rebellion.
Their foolish plots are futile!
Look at how the power brokers of the world
rise up to hold their summit
as the rulers scheme and confer together
against Yahweh and his Anointed King, saying:
“Let’s come together and break away from the Creator.
Once and for all let’s cast off these controlling chains
of God and his Christ!”

Act II – God Speaks

God-Enthroned merely laughs at them;
the Sovereign One mocks their madness!
Then with the fierceness of his fiery anger
he settles the issue and terrifies them to death with these words:
“I myself have poured out my King on Zion, my holy mountain.