Tuesday, December 24, 2024

2025 Is An Acts 2 Year! ~ Nate Johnston ~

 This is such a good word from Nate Johnson for 2025 and I say AMEN to all of it!

December 21, 2024

2025 Is An Acts 2 Year!  

~ Nate Johnston ~

Next year is going to be an Acts 2 Year because we’re going back to simplicity.

We’re leaving behind the hustle and bustle of institutions and empires for the basics once again.

We’re choosing the humble over the proud and lofty.

We’re choosing the private over the public stage.

We’re choosing connection over club mentality or even shallow community.

We’re choosing fellowship over programs.

We’re choosing true worship over performance.

We’re choosing the nameless and faceless over celebrity Christianity.

And we’re choosing the pure over the convoluted and tainted.

This is going to be an Acts 2 year because God is rebuilding our definition of the church, and He’s rebuilding us in the process.

We’re coming back to the true foundations of the church again.

We’re coming back to the simplicity and power of the fivefold, where people are built up into who God has called them to be.

We’re going to see the breakdown of man’s hierarchies and systems.

We’re coming back to the simple foundation of people gathering not around a man, but around Jesus and the finished work of the cross.

We’re coming back to signs, wonders, and miracles again.

We’re coming back to daily salvations and the pursuit of souls instead of preaching to the choir. 

We’re coming back to baptisms and lives being transformed, rescued from darkness and addiction.

We’re coming back to being the hospital church again, instead of a museum or a palace.

We’re coming back to what looks small and insignificant but carries immense weight in the spirit.

We’re coming back to experiencing His face and His glory once again, instead of simply coming to a service to hear a cool cliché quote to take home.

We’re leaving behind the goosebumps of man’s religion and trading them for true encounters and visitations with God.

So, this next year, watch as God leads you in a new direction.

Watch as your appetites begin to change.

Watch as the Lord leads you away from systems and places that look good on the outside but have brought you into bondage.

For many, this will mean breaking away from what you’ve been part of for years.

It may mean relocation. Shifting. Migrating. 

It may mean leaving behind compromises, false coverings, and shallow accountability in communities that resemble but are far from the Acts 2 church God has destined for you.

It will mean stepping out of isolation to find the people God has for you.

It will mean leaving behind dead works and performance to discover the fire of His Spirit and a fresh baptism that overhauls your life.

And it will mean closing the door on Act 1 so that we, as the church, can step into Acts 2—a season of power and baptism in the Holy Spirit that empowers us to walk in the fullness of everything Jesus made available to us at the cross.

It’s going to be a year of departing from the flesh and man’s pursuit of building Babel and stepping into a year of building what looks simple but reaps eternal fruit.

It’s going to transform your family, marriages, and every area of your life as you realign with God’s purpose and His original blueprint for the church.

Watch, friends, as we leave behind decades, even centuries, of dysfunction and as the Lord begins to build His house.

This is why you have felt the discontent in the last few years that has grown inside you. 

It’s the desire to go back to the original plan. 

It’s the longing for true connection with God and His people. 

And build something pure and not of man’s hands. 

If this is you, pray this dangerous prayer with me “Lord do Acts 2 in my life in 2025 onwards in Jesus' name! And lead me to my Acts 2 people!”

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved” Acts 2:42-47

Nate Johnston

Nate & Christy

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Maria Zeee - Dr. Lee Merritt -PARASITES & CANCER

If you have been diagnosed with cancer, or know someone who has, you must watch this video.  It may save your life and help you to avoid years of pain from treatments prescribed by doctors unaware of the relationship of parasites and cancer.


Friday, November 29, 2024

Dr. Ardis Shares the Biggest Lies Told By The Food and Medical Industries

 This is such helpful, hopeful information!  The pharmaceutical industry does not want us to know about natural remedies for serious health problems.  Dr. Ardis shares The Biggest Lies Told by the Food and Medical Industries.  I highly recommend this video!

'Listen Closely, I Am Releasing Clarity for 2025' ~Lana Vawser~ Lana Vawser Ministries ✅


Such a busy time and so much happening I can't seem to make time for posting.  This was very meaningful and inspiring to me so thought I would share it with you.

November 27, 2024

'Listen Closely, I Am Releasing Clarity for 2025'

~Lana Vawser~

Recently, I heard the Lord say, ‘Listen closely, I am releasing clarity for 2025.’

When the Lord spoke these words, the words, ‘Listen closely…’ were very highlighted to me, and I could feel the invitation from the heart of the Lord to draw deep in this time, in a posture of surrender, and not rush into 2025 because there were new things the Lord is going to bring forth.

As I leaned in and listened to His heart, I heard:

‘My people, draw close, come low and move slow. For the following of MY assignments in 2025 will take you into some unexpected pathways. I say unto you, do not rush forward in filling and moving as you have, but I am calling you deeper into the place of making room to hear the direction for 2025. For there is great temptation to “plan as always has been” but I say unto you, can you hear the sound of the NEW springing forth in 2025? There are new things that I am going to bring forth, in and through your lives, in 2025, and I am calling you to come deeper in waiting upon Me for My direction for the coming year.

‘There will be many twists and turns in 2025 as I continue to lead you and guide you in all that I have for you; and I say unto you, come deeper into holding your year with an open hand. For there are many “finishings” that are happening now and there are many “new beginnings” that will come forth in 2025. Come close, lean in and listen to My heart and what I have planned for 2025. I say unto you that 2025, for many, will be a year of seeing assignments that I have been speaking to you about for many years and preparing you for, come to fruition in this year. I say unto you, that I am going to bring you into some full-circle assignments. I am going to bring you into some greater destiny assignments in 2025, that I have spoken to you from years ago, and as you step forward in obedience to where I am leading, it will move you into a whole new realm of moving with Me in realms you have not moved in before.

‘Be not quick to move ahead on the first things that I begin to release to you for 2025. For 2025 will be a year of deeper depths in Me and in many areas of your life, and there is much that I will unpack for you in revelation, clarity and insight for 2025. Do not rush ahead and fill your calendars with what has been familiar: but I am calling you into the place of listening and waiting upon Me for My direction, for there are NEW FRONTIERS that will be opened up to you in 2025.’

‘I am bringing My people deeper into the place of intercession and governing with Me in 2025, and you must make room and allow Me to teach you, train you and move you where I need you to be in 2025. I say unto you, the RIVER is rising. The river is rising. MY RIVER is rising in 2025; and as you live low and stay low, in the place of surrender, humility and tenderness and sensitivity to My leading—not rushing ahead—you will go where My River flows. For there is great tension, that many will find, to trade the RIVER for RUSHING. I say unto you, in 2025 there will be an even greater need for you, My people, to be sensitive to My leading, to My direction and My divine leading, wherever My river is flowing. My River will refresh and restore souls (Psalm 23) in a deeper way in 2025.

‘As the River rises in 2025, I say unto you, that there will be a greater increase of the offloading. You will see a greater mobilization of My Church and My army in 2025. As you continue to wait on Me and My leading and move where I am moving, in the moving, there will be a greater offloading of things that have been completed; things that have held you down; things that have been from past seasons; and the call to embrace the new places, spaces and frontiers that I am leading you into, in greater ways.

‘My people, do not be afraid of the leadings of My Spirit leading you into 2025 and the stretching that will come with these leadings. For I am bringing you into a deeper place of dependence and trust in who I am and what I have planned for you, and a greater understanding and demonstration of “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit” in 2025. Unfamiliar and uncomfortable does not mean it is not Me. I am the God who continues to call you higher and call you outside the boat, and I have new lands for you to plough, new places for you to stand and new heights for you to occupy. Do not be dismayed by the battle for the high places in 2025 but know that I am leading you deeper into the place of governing with Me in prayer: and as you follow the leading of My Spirit and My strategy in intercession and obedience, you shall occupy in a greater way in 2025.

‘For there will be much shaking that will take place in 2025 and as you stay low before Me in the place of intimacy and humility in 2025, you will find a strength, grace and empowerment in Me in 2025 that you have not known. You will find as you stay close to Me and deep in My Word in 2025, a stability of being grounded and founded in Me to not be shaken, in ways you have not experienced before. There will be unexpected empowerment for the unexpected places in 2025, and a grace to stand and stand in boldness like you have not experienced before in 2025.

‘For I say unto you, that I am raising up the STORM CHASERS. Where storms have come and intimidated many of My people and they have RUN FROM the storm, I am raising up a people in 2025 that will run towards the storm in My authority and in My wisdom and speak “PEACE BE STILL”. And there will be a greater overcoming of storms that comes as My Bride arises in greater unprecedented revelation of their authority in Me. There is a BOLDNESS, that you have not seen before, to take Me at My Word and not move until what My Word says comes to pass in 2025.

‘The spirit of fear has come heavily against many of you in the past few months, because the enemy knows that I am raising up a people of BOLDNESS like never before that will see many storms chased away and overcome IN MY NAME as they stand in a new level of boldness in Me as they continue to see Me and who I am in deeper depths in the secret place. As many showdowns come forth in 2025, slow down and listen to My voice and what I am speaking and My strategies to pray and obey and watch My fire fall.”

‘Watch the Word come to life in a greater way in 2025. Watch the increase of revelation and demonstration of the POWER of My Word in 2025. I am calling you, My people, deeper into My Word in 2025 and to take Me at My Word with a ferocious resolve. Watch how you will be consumed by My truth and the revelation of who I am in a greater way, that will see the GIANT SLAYERS ARISE in greater ways in 2025.’

‘For I have much to show you and reveal to you for the coming year. Listen closely, for many divine mysteries, clarity, divine intelligence and strategy will be given to you—to arm and posture you for the coming year. For it will be very clear, in 2025, those who are walking in MY WAY and MY WISDOM and those who are living IN THE WORD, and those who are NOT. Come deeper, My people, listen to My heart and My voice, for there are new frontiers and moves of My Spirit ahead.’

Lana Vawser

Lana Vawser Ministries

Thursday, October 17, 2024

What if they lied to you about Trump?

For any of you who have believed the lies about the best president we've ever had, I'm posting this.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Joe Joe Dawson: "A Five-Year Window Has Opened"

 A very encouraging word from Joe Joe Dawson posted on the Elijah List this morning:

Joe Joe Dawson: "A Five-Year Window Has Opened"

Joe Joe Dawson, Texarkana, Texas

Sep 20, 2024

The Time Is Here

I want to share with you a very powerful prophetic word that I've been praying and sitting on for about the last month or so. The Lord showed me that we are in a five-year time frame in which the window of Heaven has completely opened up. This is not a time that is coming. It is a time that is here.

The five-year window has opened. Ever since the Lord spoke to me about this, everything that my wife and I are doing, all of our ministries and businesses, have started to increase. Our clarity and prophetic edge are increasing. Everything that we're doing is increasing by the Spirit of the Lord.

Confusion, Chaos, or Clarity

This five-year word goes along with another word the Lord recently gave me. It was about confusion, chaos, and clarity. This is a season where everyone is going to be experiencing one of these three things: confusion, chaos, or clarity. I believe the Lord is calling His people above the noise and calamity going on in the world and in the natural realm so that they can walk in His clarity and operate from the heavenly realm.

This word is only highlighting the truth of how we are in a five-year time frame in which the windows of Heaven are open, and it's time for us to build what God has called us to establish.

Build According to the Spirit

This is a complete season of separation. The difference and distance between those who are going after God and those who are pursuing their own agendas is growing wider and more distinct. This is a season where we must build according to the Spirit of the Lord. It is critical for each of us to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, because how we move forward in this season will determine how the many seasons to come will turn out.

In the next five years, you're not going to be able to do things the way you used to do things. You can no longer rely on things from the past that may have worked in the last season, because this is a new, different season. This season will require you to shift into a new level of discernment and faith. It is a fast-paced, accelerated season. (Photo via Pexels)

If you will build according to the Holy Spirit over the next five years, God will help you to create and build a Goshen. When Egypt was going through the ten plagues, there were people that were in Goshen who didn't have to go through what the rest of Egypt was experiencing.

I believe that over the next five years you're going to be able to build a legacy for the people that you care about. You're also going to be able to build things according to the Kingdom of God that have never been built before.

What Is God Saying to You?

This is a very exciting time! It's a time to evaluate and carefully consider what God is saying to you. Many will be prompted by the Lord to move out of dead and dry religious institutions, churches, and ministries.

Realignments in ministry and relationships are coming. It is vitally important for you to be plugged in with the right people. You will need the right friends around who are radically pursuing God alongside of you. Romans 16:17 says, "I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them."

Over the next five years, you cannot hang out with those types of people. You can't stay connected with people who are negative, make excuses, and are argumentative. It would be a shame at the end of the next five years to look back and see that you had one friend or family member that you allowed to hold you back from all God has for you.

Separate Yourself to God

This is a season of separation where you are going to have to separate yourself from the world, the entertainment of the world, and the things of the world. This is your season to go wholeheartedly after the things of God. Completely throw your life into the things of God like never before and watch what the Lord will do in and through your life! (Photo via Pexels)

"Therefore, 'Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you. I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.'" (2 Corinthians 6:17–18)

There are so many of you out there that if you would just radically pursue the things of God and tap into a realm of the Spirit, then things would begin to break through in your life like you could never even imagine. The truth is, the window of Heaven is open right now. You're not waiting on God; God is waiting on you.

Ephesians 5:11 says, "Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them." What would happen if you only did things that were lined up with the Word of God and the prophetic words He has spoken over your life?

There was a period of time, about five years ago, when my wife and I had a prophetic word that we were going to accelerate in a few things. We ended up accelerating over a two-year period more than we had previously in all the years of our lives put together.

There was a period of acceleration where we made sure we were aligned with the Lord in every single area and detail of our lives, and we experienced explosive growth. This season is that type of fast-paced, accelerated season. The next five years are critical for the rest of your life. Make sure you are aligning every part of your life with the Lord and His purposes for you.

Philippians 4:6 in The Passion Translation says, "Don't be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing. Be saturated in prayer throughout each day, offering your faith-filled requests before God with overflowing gratitude..."

If you are not already a person of consistent, daily prayer, it is time to become one, my friends! My wife and I both start every day in prayer. We each go to our designated places in our house and we have prayer time with God. This is how you keep the world from pulling you in different directions. When you are in constant communion with the Lord, then you will remain focused on your Kingdom assignment and Kingdom mandate. (Photo via PickPik)

Consider the Cost

Ecclesiastes 3 talks about how there is a season for everything. This is your season to build. This is your season to plant and advance in God's destiny for you.

Luke 14:28 says, "So don't follow Me without considering what it will cost you. For who would construct a house before first sitting down to estimate the cost to complete it?" If you are going to move forward over the next five years, don't do anything half-heartedly. Consider what it will cost you and then go wholeheartedly in with the Lord.

I remember years ago I went before the Lord and just gave my everything to Him. I told God that I would give up anything He asked me to and would do anything He asked me to do. I counted the cost, and I threw my life into the will and the perfect plan of God. Ever since then I have been rolling with the Lord at a very, very fast pace.

This is the type of season that we are in right now. I want to encourage you today to get alone with God. Spend time fasting and in prayer. Seek the Lord and then move forward in obedience. Ask the Lord to speak to you about the next five years. Allow Him to position you for the next five years in order to set you and your family up financially, physically, and spiritually.

You may need to shift many different things in order to align yourself with what God wants for you. Some may need to move geographical locations, churches, walk away from certain relationships, etc. Don't allow anything to keep you from what the Lord is wanting to do and build with you in this crucial time. The window of Heaven has opened, and it's up to you to step into the blessing and build!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

       This Lion Bites' word from Global Prophetic Network is what I needed to hear this morning.  Maybe you do, too?


Dearly beloved, the power within you is to produce and multiply; and multiplication begins with your thoughts, good or bad. Whatever you set your mind to and speak in faith will come to pass. 

Every thought is like a seed that has the potential to produce much when brought into manifestation by the spoken word. For I will back your words with my power and enable their growth. However, be mindful of where these seeds come from and where you sow them, so examine your thoughts. 

Did they come from me? 

My seeds come with a guarantee to produce good fruit, and it's up to you to care for and nurture the seeds that you have planted.

They need ‘light’, ‘water’, and ‘good soil’ – the soil is your heart, and its condition is important to the development of the seeds and what they produce. 

Allow me to nurture the garden of your heart so that you will always produce good fruit. Allow me to remove that which is diseased and dying from your garden so that the seeds that you plant are those that will be allowed to grow to full maturity and bear much fruit.


God wants our lives to be fruitful and that we always sow seeds that will produce good fruit in our lives and the lives of others.

  •  Examine the condition of your heart - Thoughts originate from the heart so it’s important to consult the Lord about the state of your heart. Allow Him to identify the areas that need healing. As He does this, submit to His instructions and His power as He brings renewal and healing to your heart.

  •  Ask God if you need to forgive anyone - Ask Him to bring to your remembrance anyone in your life who you need to forgive who may have spoken negative words to you either intentionally or unintentionally.  

  •  Blessing others - Ask the Lord who you can bless with His word.  Let God highlight to you anyone who you can speak words of blessing into their lives. Ask the Lord to guide your words, so that they will be directed by His loving kindness and His truth.

  •  Daily declarations - Take a moment each day to declare the ‘truth’ and prophecy ‘life’, as the Lord prompts you so that you will produce much goodness.

Galatians 6:7-8 (MSG)

Don’t be misled: No one makes a fool of God. What a person plants, he will harvest. The person who plants selfishness, ignoring the needs of others—ignoring God! —harvests a crop of weeds. All he’ll have to show for his life is weeds! But the one who plants in response to God, letting God’s Spirit do the growth work in him, harvests a crop of real life, eternal life.

Luke 6:45 (BSB)

The good man brings good things out of the good treasure of his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil treasure of his heart. For out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.

Isaiah 55:11 (NIV)

So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

It's OK

This is very disturbing--and so sad!!  Watch before it is removed.  I can't imagine they will allow it very long.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Lion Bites - Global Prophetic Alliance Word for Today

Are you signed up for the daily Lion Bites from Prophetic Global Alliance?  I find them very encouraging.  Many are exactly what I need to hear on the day I receive them.  

Here is today's--very good!

Pure Gold

My child, 

I do not promise you a trouble-free life, but when your life is in My hands every painful experience is an opportunity for growth and transformation into the likeness of My Son.  This is the redemptive and sanctifying work of the cross and it is glorious!

In this past season, I know that your faith has been tested like gold in the refiner’s fire and you have chosen to endure through the trials.  Rejoice that I am the God of the process as well as outcomes.  Now, I am calling you to arise and display the greater weight of My glory in the days ahead. Your faith, which is so precious to Me, has proved genuine, pure, and strong. 

Even in the darkest moments, when tears may flow, hold onto the promise that I cause everything to work together for the good of those who love Me and are called according to My purpose for them. 

Nothing is wasted in my Kingdom.  Let the cry of your heart be that of Job: “He knows where I am going and when He tests me, I will come out as pure gold.”

Activation: Spend time praising God and thanking Him for His grace and strength through the challenging times. Be specific.  Declare these scriptures over your life and receive fresh faith for the days ahead.


Job 23:10 (NIV)

But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold.

1 Peter 1:6-7 (NLT)

So be truly glad.There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while. These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.

2 Corinthians 4:16-18 (MSG)

So we’re not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace. These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times; the lavish celebration prepared for us. There’s far more here than meets the eye. The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can’t see now will last forever.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Such A Busy Time Of Year For Me!

        I know I haven't posted for awhile but this is such a busy time of year for me.  I tend 2 parks in our small town, take care of my own gardens including weeding--which is quite time consuming since we've had so much rain--planting vegetables and shopping for, choosing and filling my flower pots for the summer, so there never seems to be enough time.  Right now it is very beautiful here with the rhododendrons in bloom so I thought you might enjoy the beauty with me.  Here are a few photos:

The hosta in the background is an Empress Wu, one of the largest hostas.  It is about 4 feet tall and 5 feet wide.  I love it!
I love the color of this iris by the front porch so included it in the photo.

Some of my pots and two of the boxes on our deck.  We had wind last night so the strands from the oak trees are everywhere.

I can't decide which color of rhododendron I like best.  Each one is so beautiful!

The rhododendrons have been planted for almost 20 years so are getting quite tall, reaching up to the second story of the house.

The planters have only been filled for about a week, but because of the perfect growing weather we've been having this spring they are already beginning to fill out.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Seventeenth Century Nun's Prayer

A friend sent this today.  I'm not sure this was written by someone in the 17th Century but I enjoyed it anyway.  Much truth is contained in the prayer!


Friday, April 5, 2024

Parasites, Ivermectin and more

 The more I read, the more important I believe it is for us to do a parasite cleanse.  Ivermectin seems to be a very good choice to do the job.  Watch this video for much information on why, how and when to use it, plus much more info on the uses of Ivermectin.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

The Use of Water - Barbara O'Neill

I highly recommend this great video on the value of drinking water.  Amazing!

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Root Cause - The Health Effects of the Root Canal Procedure - FULL DOCUM...

If you have had a root canal or are considering having one, you need to watch this documentary.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Larry Randolph - "2024 - The Year of Contradictions!"

I very much enjoyed and was inspired by this video with Larry Randolph.  I thought you might want to check it out if you haven't already seen it.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Dr. Bryan Ardis on The Shocking Truth About Nicotine

I highly recommend this video.  So much information to research and verify, but if even half of it is true it is so helpful and hopeful!

The Shocking Truth About Nicotine

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Healing - Equipping and Activating The Saints Part 1 - Ian Andrews

I have learned so much from Ian Andrews.  His approach to healing is so refreshing, inspiring, hopeful, encouraging, practical....  He has begun posting these informative audio teachings weekly.  If you are at all interested in being an instrument of healing I highly recommend you listen to them.  

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Commitment (Repost)

For some reason I see several people have been re-reading my post on "Commitment" from 10 years ago.  Since it is still relevant--maybe even more so today--I thought it might be a good time to repost it.  The only change I would make is to say Country Guy and I have now been married 57 years.  We are still committed. 😀

Commitment first posted January 20, 2013

      Have you ever noticed that 'commitment' seems to be a dirty word these days?  I was thinking about the number of people who live together without getting married this morning.  Those people appear to be unwilling to make a life-long commitment and that's what marriage is supposed to be.  The Bible calls marriage a covenant.  It's to be a physical example of the spiritual truth of how Christ loves the church.  We certainly are not giving a very good impression of that are we?

     Have you ever studied the history of blood covenants?  In ancient days, animals were cut in two and each half laid opposite the other on a slight incline, so that the blood ran together in a little stream.  Two parties made a deal and then walked between these animals in the blood path to say "let this (that has been done to these animals) be done to me if I do not hold up my end of the bargain".   That is serious commitment, don't you think?

     Country Guy and I will have been married 47 years in April.  That sounds like an amazing length of time to me considering that when I think about how old I feel before I remember how old I am, I think of myself as about 45!  :o)  We believed when we got married that we were making a covenant for the rest of our lives.  It has not always been easy--of course, if Country Guy would just shape up, it would be easier--Just joking! 

     Since it was a serious commitment, one we didn't enter into lightly, we had no choice but to stick together and work things out.   We believe that we were to honor the commitment we spoke in the words "for better, for worse, in sickness & health, till death do us part."  Just repeating those words give an indication that all things won't be rosy.  There is a warning inherent in them.  It is the commitment for life that gets us through those times we would like to avoid and makes us stronger in the process.

     It seems to me we have become a nation of wimps because we've forgotten our covenants, or broken them when times got tough, or never made them to start with.  We've chosen to do what feels good to avoid the trials that bring growth. 

    I once read a book by Gary Thomas entitled, Sacred Marriage.  In it, his premise was that God didn't create marriage to make us happy, He created marriage to make us holy.  In the covenant of marriage we are given a perfect opportunity to learn to prefer others, die to self, love unconditionally, and to practice all those other commandments Jesus gave us.  If we are committed for life we might as well get to learning how to do those things because the problems are not going to go away!

     I believe that's what we're missing today.  We all want to be happy, but the Bible says our goal is to be holy.  Let's think about what our lack of commitment says to those who don't read the Bible.   In fact, I believe if we are serious about this Christian life, we need to look at our entire lives to see if they are true representations of what Jesus did for us, and if not, to ask Him to help us become a true disciple--doing what He did, living as He lived.  How much that surely would please Him!

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

A beautiful sunrise

 We recently spent some time in Florida.  One morning as I went out to walk on the beach the sky was exceptionally beautiful! 

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

French Onion Chicken Soup

I tried a wonderful new soup recipe that I saw in The Epoch Times newspaper a couple of weeks ago.  I condensed the instructions so they are easier to follow.  This is a time consuming soup--mainly because the onions must be watched and stirred as they are cooking for 35-45 minutes, but it is very worth the effort.

French Onion Chicken Soup

For the Soup:

3 pounds yellow onions (4 large or 6 medium)

6 T. Butter, divided

1 tsp dried thyme

2 dried bay leaves

2 1/2 tsp salt, divided, plus more as needed

1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper

3 medium carrots 

3 medium stalks celery

3 cloves garlic (or 3/4 tsp garlic powder)

2 lbs boneless, skinless chicken breasts, or thighs

3/4 cup dry white wine

1 T. Dry sherry (I used Marsala wine as substitute)

1/4 c. Flour

6 c. Chicken broth

For the cheesy toasts (optional)

1/2 baguette or loaf of Italian/French bread

2 oz. Gruyere (or Swiss) cheese (about 1/2 heaping cup)

  • Peel, and thinly slice the yellow onions (about 10 cups)
  • Melt 4 T. of butter in a large heavy-bottomed pot over medium heat.  Add the onions, dried thyme , bay leaves, 1 1/2 tsp salt and the pepper.  Cook stirring often and scraping the bottom of the pot with a wooden spoon to prevent burning until the onions are soft and amber brown, 35-45 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, peel and slice carrots and celery into 1/4 inch slices. (About 1 to 1 1/4 C. each) Mince the garlic.  When onions are done add remaining 2 T. butter to the onion mixture.  When melted, add carrots/celery/garlic and cook stirring occasionally for 5 minutes.
  • Add wine and sherry to mixture.  Cook, stirring occasionally until mostly evaporated, 2-3 minutes.  Sprinkle with the flour and cook stirring constantly for 1 minute.  Continue stirring as you pour in the chicken broth. 
  • Season the chicken breasts (I use chicken tenders) with rest of salt.  (If breasts are thick, butterfly them by slicing longwise through thickest part.)
  • Add the chicken in a single layer on top of onion/carrot/wine mixture.  Increase the heat to medium high and bring to a lively simmer.  Reduce heat as needed to maintain a gentle simmer.  Cook, stirring and scraping the bottom of the pot occasionally, until chicken is cooked through, 15-20 minutes. 

Prepare cheese toasts:  

Arrange oven rack 3-4 inches below broiler unit and set oven to broil.  Cut baguette crosswise on a bias into 1 inch thick slices (about 8).  Place in a single layer on a rimmed baking sheet.  Grate the Gruyere cheese.  Sprinkle the bread evenly with the cheese.  Broil until cheese is melted and bubbly about 30 seconds to 1 minute.

  • When chicken is well done, remove and shred with 2 forks, return to soup mixture. Remove bay leaves.  Add more salt/pepper if needed.  Ladle into bowls
  • Top each bowl of soup with a piece of cheese toast.  
  • Serve immediately.

Soup can be refrigerated 4-5 days or frozen for 3 months.